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Akaka Votes to Support Webb Amendment Requiring Proper Dwell Time for Troops Deploying to War

July 11, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), voted to support cloture on Senator Jim Webb's (D-VA) bi-partisan readiness amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.  Unfortunately, the parties were unable to come to an agreement, which forced a cloture vote requiring 60 votes to end debate and set up a straight up-or-down majority vote on the bill.  The motion failed by a vote of 56-41.

"The burden of these wars has fallen unfairly on our brave servicemembers and their families.  Poor planning has led to repeated, unfair deployments extended at the last minute, and time at home abruptly shortened.  This practice has been exacerbated by the President's troop ‘surge,'" Akaka said.

"We owe the troops and their families who continue to sacrifice for our country this promise: for every month they spend fighting for us in Iraq or Afghanistan, they will have a month at home with their families and children, to rest and recuperate and prepare for their next deployment.  I am greatly disappointed that Republican leadership has chosen to obstruct this much needed legislation for political purposes," Akaka said.   

Webb's amendment would have required that active-duty troops and units have at least equal time at home as the length of their previous tour overseas.  The amendment also required a minimum 1-to-3 year ratio for National Guard and Reserve members and units.



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July 2007

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