News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Announces $1 Million To Expand West Central Community Center In Spokane

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, August 2, 2001

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) today announced that the full Senate has committed $1,000,000 to expand the West Central Community Center in Spokane, Washington in the fiscal year 2002 VA-HUD bill.

The earmark is included in the fiscal year 2002 spending bill that provides funding for the Veterans Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and independent agencies. The VA-HUD bill passed the Senate today by a vote of 94-5.

"I'm proud that my Senate colleagues joined me in voting to provide funding for the expansion of the West Central Community Center," Murray said. "This project is critical to improving the quality of life of children and families in this community by promoting much needed childcare, Head Start, and health care services."

The West Central Community Center is developing a 17,000 square foot addition to house childcare, Head Start, WIC, and health care services. All three projects are part of an initiative by the Community Centers of Spokane, the Health Improvement Partnership, and Head Start of Spokane County to promote access to affordable childcare for families moving off of welfare.

Funds are needed for property acquisition, architectural, engineering, and other fees associated with the preparation of the preliminary site plans, designs, schematics, bid documents, topographic and soil surveys, and project management.
