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Dan Quayle Vice Presidential Bust Unveiling

Senators Trent Lott and Christopher J. Dodd, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, hosted a ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda on September 10, 2003 to unveil a marble bust of Vice President Dan Quayle.  Vice President Dick Cheney and President George Herbert Walker Bush were the featured speakers.  Vice President Quayle, his family, and more than 400 guests attended.  The bust is the latest addition to the Senate’s Vice Presidential Bust Collection, which was created in 1886 to honor vice presidents of the United States, whose duties include serving as President of the Senate.

View a video of Vice President Quayle's September, 2000 Leader's Lecture.


The invitation to the unveiling ceremony

Over 400 people were in attendance.  

Quayle Family with Bust

September 10, 2003,
Rotunda, Capitol

The Quayle family photographed with the bust at the unveiling.  

Quayle Speak with Bust1

September 10, 2003,
Rotunda, Capitol

Vice President Quayle speaks at the unveiling ceremony.

Life mask of Dan Quayle

July 28, 1999, Frederick Hart
Studio, VA

Life mask of Dan Quayle
Collection of Sculptor Frederick Hart

Artist Frederick Hart with the clay model of the Quayle bust, July 28, 1999.

July 28, 1999, Frederick Hart
Studio, VA

Frederick Hart with the clay model of the Quayle bust.

Bust of Dan Quayle with Jeffery Hall

June 06, 2000, Jeffery Hall
Studio, VA

Sculptor Jeffery Hall, Frederick Hart's assistant, completed the bust after Hart's death.

Bust of Dan Quayle with Daniel Sinclair

January 25, 2002, Daniel Sinclair
Studio, Queens, NY

Sculptor Daniel Sinclair translated the plaster model to marble.

Bust of Dan Quayle with Daniel Sinclair

January 25, 2002, Daniel Sinclair
Studio, Queens, NY

Sinclair roughly carves the marble
with a pneumatic chisel.

Bust of Dan Quayle with Daniel Sinclair

January 25, 2002, Daniel Sinclair
Studio, Queens, NY

Sinclair finishes the bust by hand.

F E Hart

Rubbing of Hart's name on the left side of the bust.


Rubbing of Hall and Sinclair's signatures on the right side of the bust.


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View PDFs of the Vice Presidential Bust Collection and Vice President's Room brochures.