Dodd Seeks Critical Funding for Bomb Squads Across America
Introduces Bill to Create Grants for Equipment, Training, and Personnel for State and Local Bomb Squads

May 2, 2008

As a part of his ongoing efforts to ensure our nation’s first responders are equipped with the training and tools they need, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today introduced legislation that would provide bomb squads across the country with funding for necessary equipment, training, and personnel by creating a new grant program. The “National Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Prevention and Preparedness Act” would also establish a national Senior Advisory Committee for IED Prevention and Response whose sole focus would be to ensure that our nation is prepared for an IED threat at the federal, state, and local level. Dodd’s bill has been endorsed by the National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board and the National Tactical Officers Association. 


“The brave men and women who make up our nation’s bomb squads, SWAT teams, and K-9 units are every community’s first line of defense against bomb threats,” said Dodd. “Under current law, however, these local and state units do not always get the equipment, training, and support that they need. Having a national bombing prevention strategy is an important first step, but we must ensure that funding reaches those who need it most – the state and local officials who will be on the front lines should a bombing occur.” 


The National Improvised Explosive Device Prevention and Preparedness Act will:

  • Statutorily establish the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) within FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate.
  • Establish a Senior Advisory Committee (SAC) for IED Prevention and Response as a subcommittee under the Homeland Security Advisory Council.
  • Require State, Local, and Practicing Professionals’ input in selecting members of the Advisory Committee, giving direct voice to our First Responders. 
  • Establish an IED Prevention and Response Grant Program to specifically target capability “gaps” in our nation’s bomb squads to ensure they have necessary training, equipment and staffing to prevent and respond to IED threats.
  • Require the Coast Guard to specifically assess the preparedness of our nation’s Public Safety Dive Teams in their completion of Area Maritime Transportation Security and Facility Plans.

In April 2006, Senator Dodd worked with Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) and the Senate Appropriations Committee to mandate a national strategy for bombing prevention. After numerous delays, Senators Byrd and Dodd sent a letter to Secretary Chertoff inquiring about the strategy’s status. The National Security Council finally approved the document in late 2007 but did not include adequate detail on how state and local input would contribute to the federal government’s IED prevention and preparedness.


Senator Dodd, a co-Chair of the Congressional Fire Caucus, has been a longtime advocate for America’s first responders.  In 2000, Dodd authored the FIRE Act, a law that gives local fire departments the ability to purchase new equipment and initiate education and training programs. In 2003, Dodd also authored the SAFER Act, a law that gives local fire departments the ability to reduce critical shortfalls in professional and volunteer personnel. 

