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Seal Delivery Vehicle Team One Flag Raising Ceremony

Pearl City Penninsula, Hawaii

May 27, 2004

Aloha. Admiral Maguire, members of SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE, honored guests, family, and friends, I am pleased to participate in this morning's flag raising ceremony for the new Headquarters and Maintenance buildings for SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE. I am proud to join in honoring Master Chief James Lloyd "Gator" Parks, the father of the modern Navy SEAL delivery vehicle.

This unit has played a vital role in ensuring our national security, and I commend you for your efforts. As I prepared for today's event, I was struck by this unit's unique history. I was on Saipan and Tinian during World War II, and likely benefitted from the courageous success of the first underwater demolition teams. As I read and learned more about your history, I am increasingly impressed by the way this unit has transformed to effectively meet changing threats as our nation has engaged in different conflicts and responded to new threats since World War II. This unit was "transforming" way before the concept of "transformation" became so popular military-wide.

I have long supported efforts by the military services to transform in order to meet the changing threats of the 21st century. Your history proves that we must identify and understand the ever-changing threats against us so that we can respond accordingly to ensure our national security. I am pleased that the SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team One, a distinguished unit, has been in Hawaii since 1994. Given its strategic location in the Pacific, I believe our military forces in Hawaii will continue to play a major role in not only defending our nation, but also providing a stabilizing force in the Pacific. For that reason, I support your continued efforts to equip your forces with the most modern and best equipment. I have been informed that moving the upgrade of the V-2 pier from fiscal year 2007 to fiscal year 2005 would be of significant value to the SEAL Delivery Vehicle team ONE. Unfortunately, I don't believe we will be able to secure funding for this project in fiscal year 2005. I fully support the upgrade of the pier, particularly as it would allow the Advanced SEAL Delivery System to be loaded on host submarines from here instead of being transported to SUBPAC. I will continue working with my colleagues to see what kind of action can be taken to upgrade the pier as soon as possible.

In addition to the Navy's efforts, I support the Army's transformation plans and the assignment of a Stryker Brigade at Schofield Barracks. There is no question that we need to transform our land forces, who are doing an excellent job all over the globe. While I understand the many environmental concerns associated with the presence of the Stryker Brigade on Oahu and the Big Island, I believe we can reach an appropriate balance between safeguarding our cultural and natural resources and providing our men and women with the training necessary to respond to the threats of the 21st century. Likewise, the arrival of the C-17s at Hickam Air Force Base will also be key in helping to move our troops and their equipment throughout the Pacific.

As the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Management and Support, I jealously guard readiness funds, particularly operation and maintenance funds. I believe these funds are essential to our military's readiness. Far too often, I am asked to authorize a cut in O&M funds to be able to fund short-term emergencies and more prominent priorities for the services. Guarding these funds becomes a daunting task as I often must argue against increases in very popular programs and services in order to protect readiness accounts. This is why it gives me great pleasure to be here today to participate in the flag raising ceremony for not only your headquarters, but your maintenance building.

I am always interested in maintenance and the day-to-day needs of our military. Readiness rests in the details. We must not only provide the funds and equipment necessary to meet surges, but we must also ensure that each unit has the appropriate training, equipment and manpower to be able to meet those surges when they occur. Our forces have done an excellent job in maximizing their resources. It is because of this dedication and commitment that we continue to do so well. I applaud the success of the SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team ONE on your continued success which is often unnoticed because of the covert manner in which you must execute your mission. The American people may never know the critical role you play in war against terror and in other hazardous operations you are tasked. Many Americans may never fully appreciate how your service helps to preserve a world in which the ideals of freedom and democracy endure. Please know that there are many of us who are aware of your dedication and sacrifice, and we stand in awe of your success.

I look forward to your continued success in the future and thank you once again, for inviting me to share in this auspicious occasion with you.

God bless you all.

A hui hou!

Year: 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , [2004] , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , 1998 , 1997 , 1996

May 2004

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