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Public Service Recognition Week

May 1, 2003

Mr. President, today I rise to pay tribute to the hard-working men and women who dedicate their lives to public service. Whether it is on the federal, state, or local level, public servants perform essential functions that Americans rely on every day. For this reason, it is a privilege to introduce a resolution to honor these employees for Public Service Recognition Week. I am delighted to be joined in this effort by Senators Fitzgerald, Collins, Lieberman, Voinovich, Durbin, Coleman, and Levin.

Public Service Recognition Week takes place the week of May 5, 2003. Since 1985, the first week in May showcases the talented men and women who serve America as federal, state and local government employees. Throughout the nation and around the world, public employees use the week to educate their fellow citizens how government serves them, and how government services make life better for all of us.

For example, public servants help the nation recover from natural disasters and terrorist attacks; fight crime and fire; deliver the mail; teach our children; provide local transportation; protect the environment; fight disease and promote better health; improve the quality and safety of water and food; and defend our freedom. Since September 11, 2001, public servants at the federal, state, and local level worked around the clock to prevent terrorist attacks and reduce our vulnerability to future attacks in addition to carrying out their other job related responsibilities. Such dedication and hard work deserve our recognition.

I would like to pay particular attention to the men and women who serve in our armed forces, and the civilian employees who support their missions. These employees are key to the security and defense of our nation. From the war against terrorism to Operation Iraqi Freedom, our military and civilian support staff show courage in the face of adversity. They too are ready, willing, and able to make this a safer world.

While Public Service Recognition Week represents an opportunity for us to honor and celebrate the commitment of individuals who serve the needs of the nation as government and municipal employees, it is also a time to call on a new generation of Americans to consider public service. As my colleagues know, the federal government is facing a crisis in its recruitment and retention efforts. The problem is so critical that the General Accounting Office (GAO) has placed the so-called 'human capital crisis' on its High Risk List. According to the GAO, nearly 50 percent of the federal workforce will be eligible to retire by 2005. Although no one knows how many will actually retire, this situation poses serious challenges for succession planning in addition to mission performance. Public Service Recognition Week provides an opportunity for individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the exciting and challenging work in the federal government and career opportunities available.

I invite my colleagues to honor the patriotic commitment to public service that our federal employees exemplify and to join in the federal government's annual celebration. During the week there will be an extensive exhibit on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., showcasing many of our federal agencies and branches of the military, as well as highlighting the services these agencies provide. In addition to the Mall exhibits, I encourage my colleagues to recognize federal employees in their states, as well as state and local government employees, to let them know how much their work is appreciated.

I ask unanimous consent that the text of the resolution be printed in the RECORD following this statement.

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May 2003

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