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Majority Spotlights

» Democrats Are Focused On Achieving Energy Independence, May 14, 2007
Democratic Leadership statements on Bush's Energy Plan.
» House Democrats Have Strong Record of Accomplishments, May 09, 2007
After being in office for just four months, House Democrats have listened to the American people and passed legislation that addresses their priorities to make America safer, grow our economy, care for our children and families, preserve our planet, and restore accountability.
» Democrats Disappointed President Ignored Will of American People and Vetoed Funds for Troops, May 02, 2007
Statements from Democratic leaders following President Bush's veto of the Iraq Accountability Act.
» On the Fourth Anniversary of "Mission Accomplished," Bush Should Sign Legislation to Change Course in Iraq, May 01, 2007
On the 4th anniversary of President Bush's speech in front of a banner proclaiming "mission accomplished," Democrats will send him a bill that changes course in Iraq.
» House Passes Iraq Bill That Fully Funds Troops, Changes Direction in Iraq, April 26, 2007
House passes Iraq supplemental spending bill, 218-208.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Focuses on the Crisis in Sudan, April 23, 2007
Webpage on crisis in Sudan.
» House Passes DC Voting Rights Bill, April 19, 2007
House passes bill giving DC a voting representative in the House.
» Congress Extends Sympathy, Condolences to Virginia Tech Community, April 18, 2007
Condolences following tragedy at Virginia Tech.
» Hoyer Leads Bipartisan CODEL to Sudan, April 12, 2007
Information on Leader Hoyer's CODEL trip to Sudan.
» Democrats Call for Real Discussion on Changing Course in Iraq, April 10, 2007
Democratic Leadership Call for President to Work with Congress, Change Direction in Iraq
» House Democrats Are Producing Real Results in the 110th Congress, April 02, 2007
First quarter progress report.
» House Passes Fiscally Responsible Democratic Budget, March 29, 2007
Budget debate begins today.
» Democrats are Changing America's Course in Iraq, March 22, 2007
Democrats are Changing America's Course in Iraq
» Fourth Anniversary of War in Iraq, March 19, 2007
Monday, March 19th, marks the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq.
» Democrats are Making Government More Accountable and Transparent, March 16, 2007
This week, Democrats will pass five bills that build on our efforts to bring change to Washington and make government more accountable and transparent.
» House Democrats are Forging a New Direction in Iraq, March 12, 2007
House Democrats unveil the US Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act.
» Democrats are Conducting Oversight, Bringing Change to Washington, March 07, 2007
Democrats are committed to conducting vigorous oversight.
» Leading Democrats Propose PROGRESS Act for Energy Independence, March 02, 2007
Democrats Fight to Make America Energy Independent
» Democrats Work to Strengthen Middle Class, February 28, 2007
The Employee Free Choice Act will be on the House Floor this week.
» House Passes Iraq Resolution, February 21, 2007
Democrats on Iraq
» Democrats Respond to DOD Inspector General Iraq Report, February 12, 2007
Democrats on Iraq
» Democrats Respond to President's Budget Proposal, February 06, 2007
Response to President's FY08 Budget.
» Democrats Prepare for President's Budget Proposal, January 29, 2007
Information on President Bush's proposed FY08 budget.
» Democrats Call for New Way Forward in Iraq, January 26, 2007
...statement on Iraq.
» Democrats Call for Clean Minimum Wage Increase, January 24, 2007
Minimum wage


Displaying Majority Spotlights 1 to 25 of 249
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-249

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» All | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

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