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Going for a short hike with @fehynes in Naugatuck State Forest
Reading the Community Newspaper: CTNewsJunkie reports about five possible buyers stepping up to the plate to sav..
@todayshow @momsherbs My daughter was my friend on Facebook until she headed off to college. Then she unfriended me
@benkunz @chrisbrogan I find Magpie obtrusive and actively unfullow magpie users
RT @khynes2000 Seven minute session. All done. Heading home. (Glad that I'm getting Kim to tweet!)
At NYD tweetup @tessa_da_twit
Happy New Year!?: Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, Happy New Year, and all that stuff. The snow is bright white beneath t..
@BlinkyStJames Thanks for the follow. I just plugged your blog in my latest blog post, Good luck, and Happy New Year
@cjoh For me, it probably won't really feel like 2009 until Jan 20.
@JoeCascio We're having a little bubbly before I down my cough medicine. I'll sleep soundly tonight
Hillary Clinton looks cold on CNN. However, some say she always looks cold.
Sad that the best show so far is probably David Cook
Flipping between Dick Clark, Kathy Griffin, and Twitter for New Year's Eve. I'm glad 2008 is almost over here in CT.
Trying to sleep and beat a little of this cold and then maybe awaken shortly before midnight
@colinmcenroe #WTIC Gotta stay positive. Ends with a great tribute by Bobby Sherman. Hope to see Colin on Twitter and blogs.
@renegadegenius Thx for the follow. Have a great (and safe) NYE. See you soon.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Steve Jenson Josh Kopelman Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Wayne Sutton Ross om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Trei Brundrett Scott Beale Luciano E. Guerche Dan Patterson Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola Meredith Zack Rosen Ruby Sinreich steveolson Dean Landsman Edward Vielmetti nicco mele Chris Brogan kristen crusius Whitney Hoffman Chuck Olsen Dave LaMorte Beth Kanter
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