Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

August 8, 2008

Conrad Applauds Plan toAccelerate Development of Cellulosic Ethanol

New Energy Partnership Could Benefit ND Farmers, Spark Economy, Senator says

Washington – Senator Kent Conrad welcomed news today that two major energy companies are teaming up to dramatically increase the development and commercialization of cellulosic ethanol, a biofuel that can be made out of North Dakota agricultural products.
“This is an exciting time for North Dakota’s energy and agriculture sectors,” Senator Conrad said. “More and more companies are investing in North Dakota’s future, realizing that the crops we grow can help increase domestic energy production and end America’s dependence on foreign countries for energy.”
BP and Verenium Corporation announced yesterday that they will team up to advance the development of cellulosic ethanol production facilities in the United States.
Senator Conrad has been in discussions with BP, urging the energy company to work with North Dakota farmers to produce prairie grass for conversion to cellulosic ethanol. The state’s native prairie grasses have been identified as some of the best crops suited for renewable fuels like cellulosic ethanol.
BP had earlier met with Senator Conrad to inform him of their commitment to make major investments in cellulosic, because of the changes the Senator authored in the Farm Bill that direct additional investment in that resource.
Senator Conrad has long been a proponent of renewable fuels and is committed to growing the biodiesel industry in North Dakota. He is the author of several comprehensive energy plans focusing on the development and production of alternative fuels to lessen America’s dependence on foreign nation’s for energy.
Senator Conrad secured a strong Energy Title in the new Farm Bill, which included many of provisions contained in the BOLD Energy Act he introduced previously. Most recently he helped organize a bipartisan coalition of Senators to develop New Era, an energy proposal to reduce gas prices, lessen our nation’s dependence on foreign oil, and strengthen America’s economy.
“Whether through BOLD, the Farm Bill, or New Era, our nation should rely more on our own farmers to fuel our energy needs and begin to rely less on energy imported from unstable regions in the world,” Senator Conrad said. “It's time we turned from the Mid East for our energy and turned instead to the Mid West.”