Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

May 23, 2008

Farm Bill Clears Final Hurdle

Conrad Praises Overwhelming Support for 'Best Farm Bill Ever'

Washington– Senator Kent Conrad released the following statement today after Congress’ successful override of the President’s veto, ensuring the 2008 Farm Bill will become law. Senator Conrad is a chief architect of the food, conservation and energy bill.


“This is a great day for the American people. It is a great day for those tired of paying record prices at the gas pump, for conservationists and yes, it is a great day for our nation's farmers and ranchers.

“The overwhelming support this Farm Bill received in both the House and Senate has shown conclusively that this is a bill the American people want as law.

“Democrats and Republicans, nutrition, conservation and agriculture groups from the north, south, east and west, consumers and producers all believe this is a bill worthy of support.


“I believe this is the best Farm Bill ever written. It deserves the overwhelming, bipartisan support it received. It deserves to be law.”


Senator Conrad led a bipartisan group of Senators who voted 82-13 to override the President’s veto after the House had voted 316-108 yesterday.


Today’s veto override was historic. More than 2,500 Presidential vetoes have been levied in the nation’s history. Congress has successfully overridden those vetoes less than 4% of the time.