Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

May 19, 2008

Conrad Briefs Devils Lake Leaders on Farm Bill

Senator Secures Provision Providing Relief to Flooded Farmland

Devil Lake Senator Kent Conrad briefed Devils Lake community leaders today on the status of the 2008 Farm Bill and detailed specific provisions in the new legislation providing relief to landowners inundated by the Devils Lake flooding.
“I believe this is the best Farm Bill ever for North Dakota. It is good for farmers, ranchers, and main street business. And it is a win for taxpayers and consumers,” Senator Conrad said. “This bill is especially good for the Devils Lake region. After years of hard work, we’ve finally got some relief for landowners devastated by the flooding of Devils Lake.”
Both the Senate and the House overwhelmingly approved the Farm Bill last week. The House passed the bill 318-106 and the bill breezed through the Senate by a vote of 81-15.  Senator Conrad told members of the Devils Lake Chamber of Commerce today that the Farm Bill needs broad support as it faces a Presidential veto.
Senator Conrad detailed how the Farm Bill would benefit North Dakota and especially the Devils Lake region. He noted that the legislation includes new enrollment opportunities in the Wetlands Reserve Program for land that was used for farming or ranching before it was swallowed up by the natural overflow of closed basin lakes like Devils Lake and Stump Lake. 
Under the Wetlands Reserve Program, landowners agree to a 30 year wetlands reserve easement in exchange for 75 percent of the difference between the value of the land before and after the easement. The intention is to value flooded land as if it were not flooded. In addition, Senator Conrad noted that the preservation of the land is critical for wildlife habitat, especially waterfowl. 
As a second component, the Farm Bill expands eligibility in the Conservation Reserve Wetlands Pilot program. This allows producers who have been struggling with areas they had previously farmed, to enroll them in CRP and concentrate on farming their best land. This program will allow the enrollment of the least productive and problematic farmland that is also some of the most productive wildlife habitat in the state.
Additional North Dakota, highlights include:
  • A standing disaster package to provide timely and reliable assistance to North Dakotan farmers and ranchers with losses from disaster. As opposed to previous ad hoc disaster programs, the standing disaster program is budgeted for and is paid for. 
  • A new Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) program, helping identify meat produced by North Dakota ranchers as a product of the United States. 
  • Significant investment in biofuels to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil.
“We now face our greatest challenge; the threat of a Presidential veto,” Senator Conrad said. “The President must not turn his back on Rural America. He should sign this Farm Bill into law.”  
Senator Conrad is a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and played a leading role in the House – Senate conference committee that negotiated the final details of the Farm Bill.