Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Press Releases

May 8, 2008

Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on House-Senate Conference Agreement on Farm Bill

Washington – Senator Kent Conrad released the following statement today regarding final agreement on a new Farm Bill by members of the House – Senate conference committee.

“I’m proud to say we’ve reached agreement on a new Farm Bill. Without question, this is a victory for farm and ranch families in North Dakota and across the nation. This Farm Bill improves commodity, conservation and rural development programs. It also invests in priorities, such as biofuel and cellulosic ethanol to make America less dependent on foreign oil. And it includes a permanent disaster package, which will be there to help those devastated by the next inevitable flood or drought. As opposed to previous ad hoc disaster programs, this standing disaster program is budgeted for and is paid for, resulting in real reform.

“This is a bill that not only invests in America’s food and fiber, but also in conservation, energy and nutrition programs. When this bill becomes law, more than four out of every six dollars of Farm Bill spending will go to nutrition.

“This is also a fiscally responsible bill that contains serious reforms to stop the wealthiest among us from inappropriately receiving farm program benefits. These reforms will improve on a policy that already provides American consumers with the safest, most abundant, cheapest food supply in the world.

“This Farm Bill is good for consumers, good for the environment, good for taxpayers, and good for reformers. The Congress should pass it. And the President should sign it into law.”

Senator Conrad is a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee.