Dick Durbin - U.S. Senator from Illinois - Assistant Majoirty Leader
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Dems and GOP unite behind toy safety bill

August 10, 2008

By ABC7Chicago.com

The year 2007 was known as the 'year of the recall,' but there's a big change this year.

A bipartisan consumer safety bill aims to prevent products containing lead from reaching store shelves, and it also restores a watchdog agency meant to prevent those dangerous items from being sold.

Sunday, Senator Dick Durbin, along with representatives Bobby Rush and Jan Schakowsky, said overhauling the Consumer Product Safety Commission shows Democrats and Republicans can set aside their differences to pass important measures. 

"We're going to ban lead once and for all. Certain forms of plastic that are dangerous to kids are not going to be for sale in America. We're creating a database of information so consumers can go to the Internet and find out whether that toy or other product you're about to buy may be dangerous," said Senator Dick Durbin.

Congress passed the legislation before its recess.

The bill now needs President Bush's signature to become law.

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