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in PHX
Yer Mols is back to the skyways today. In TUS waiting on my flight to LGB to @calwac . My wings are a bit heavy from lack of stretching 'em.
I truly am going to pun hell for that last Twit.
@Wolfbyte yes, I confess, even punny. Does my confession get me off?
@LeBomba "So why don't you talk about the Sopranos"? Cuz I'm the daughter of a deceased mobster (Teamster mob days). Would you talk? ;)
@lloydi eh? EH? Tony Soprano would think you were from Canadia ;)
@Wolfbyte I have committed all of those sins. Does this mean I go to pun hell instead of pun prison where I could possibly be pardoned?
@Wolfbyte Nope, apparently I'm forbidden. Both a 403 and a 404 on this end!
@lloydi That's pretty f'n good for a Brit. ;)
@Wolfbyte alas, the URL you sent failed. Try again so I can see the comic!
Why are people surprised that I twit about Pizza, Kevin Smith and have a love of wicked punnery? I GREW UP IN NEW JERSEY! DOH. Dudes.
@thesmu "?????!!!!????" is not semantic as it has absolutely no meaning. Unless you meant WTF? Or maybe just a shocked :o response?
@Manage_Kelley That's a *great* keepsake. You and Woogy will have to show that photo to me sometime.
@TheRaj Ah! you've figured out why nice guys finish last. The moody danger boy thing. I imagine @sheldoncooper has a biological explanation.
@ckieffer Yes, really, Jay. Funny about the the tuque. I just hope he ends up better behaved but with you as dad I'm sure he will ;)
in fact, my current bedtime reading is "Silent Bob Speaks" - I've not seen the movie yet tho.
@TheRaj Silent Bob is any Jersey girls' hero. P.S. I have long had a secret crush on sidekick Jay, even though he's a foul-mouthed asshat :)
@brandius you know, that sort of thing really disturbs me. That knitted suit is truly unflattering on stuffed dead kitteh.
water main or something burst, 2 hours w/out water. In the desert, it gets apparent pretty darned quickly a fresh water supply is critical.
@glazou Oh, did I say something in bad taste? ME?


Biz Stone Dunstan Tom veen Lori Scott Fegette Mack D. Male Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Jason Calacanis George Kelly lane becker Glenda Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Kingsley Joseph Sooz Stephane Deschamps Lisa McMillan Cal Henderson Steve Ganz David Orchard Alex Hillman l.m. orchard craig zheng Mike Rundle Lachlan Hardy Keith Kitta Michael Newby Elliott Pesut Kevin Cheng
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