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The Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress

The Directory provides archival, biographical, and bibliographical information for senators, representatives, vice presidents, and members of the Continental Congress. The Directory is available online and in print.

Leader's Lecture Series

Senators Tom Daschle and Trent Lott welcome George Mitchell.
Senators Tom Daschle and Trent Lott welcome George Mitchell.

Outstanding former Senate leaders and other distinguished Americans share their insights about the Senate's recent history and long-term practices. These lectures were delivered in the Capitol's historic Old Senate Chamber to an audience of current Senators and specially invited guests from the executive branch, the diplomatic corps, the media and private enterprise.

The Senate's longest-serving majority leader, Mike Mansfield, delivered the first lecture on March 24, 1998. Eight others followed, including two presidents, two vice presidents, and four majority leaders.

Introduction to the Series by Senator Trent Lott

Read the Transcripts or View the Videos

Senator Mike Mansfield

Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr.

Senator Robert C. Byrd

President George Bush

Senator George J. Mitchell

Senator Bob Dole

Vice President Dan Quayle

President Gerald R. Ford

Vice President Walter Mondale

Statement by Senator Strom Thurmond

Majority Leaders, 1919-1977

Mike Mansfield by Aaron Shikler

History of the Office of Majority Leader

Henry Cabot Lodge (R-MA)
(Status as majority leader was unofficial.)

Charles Curtis (R-KS)

James E. Watson (R-IN)

Joseph T. Robinson (D-AR)

Alben Barkley (D-KY)

Wallace H. White, Jr., (R-ME)

Scott W. Lucas (D-IL)

Ernest W. McFarland (D-AZ)

Robert A. Taft (R-OH)

William F. Knowland (R-CA)

Lyndon B. Johnson (D-TX)

Mike Mansfield (D-MT)

Complete List of
Senate Majority and Minority Leaders



Chronological List of Senators
Senators by State
Women in the Senate
Ethnic Diversity in the Senate
Vice Presidents
Longest Serving Senators
Appointed Senators
Senate Desk Assignments
Key to Party Abbreviations


First Woman Senator
First African American Senator
First Two Senators
Youngest Senator
Senator Represents 3 States
Former Slave Presides
A Woman Presides
Photo Exhibits

Historical information provided by the Senate Historical Office.