Title 12--Banks and Banking

(This index contains parts 220 to 299)


220 Credit by brokers and dealers (Regulation T)
221 Credit by banks for the purpose of purchasing or carrying margin stock (Regulation U)
224 Borrowers of securities credit (Regulation X)
225 Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y)
226 Truth in lending (Regulation Z)
227 Unfair or deceptive acts or practices (Regulation AA)
228 Community reinvestment (Regulation BB)
229 Availability of funds and collection of checks (Regulation CC)
230 Truth in Savings (Regulation DD)
231 Netting eligibility for financial institutions regulation EE
250 Miscellaneous interpretations
261 Rules regarding availability of information
261a Rules regarding access to personal information under the Privacy Act of 1974
261b Rules regarding public observation of meetings.
262 Rules of procedure
263 Rules of practice for hearings
264 Employee responsibilities and conduct
264a Reserve Bank directors--actions and responsibilities
264b Rules regarding foreign gifts and decorations
265 Rules regarding delegation of authority
266 Limitations on activities of former members and employees of the Board
267 Rules of organization and procedure of the Consumer Advisory Council
268 Rules regarding equal opportunity.
269 Policy on labor relations for the Federal Reserve banks
269a Definitions
269b Charges of unfair labor practices
270 Open market operations of Federal Reserve banks
271 Rules regarding availability of information
272 Rules of procedure
281 Statements of policy
290-299 [Reserved]

