Selected Web Sites




A New Alternative - Animal Techniques Training on Models.  Michigan State University.



            Abstract:  Written by Sally Walshaw, DVM. Information and examples of various models used in teaching animal surgery and techniques such as injection and blood collection.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Alley Cat Allies.



            Abstract:  A nonprofit organization for information on feral and stray cats. The group advocates trap-neuter-release (TNR) programs as a humane and effective method to reduce feral cat populations. There are many fact sheets on their Resources tab. The resources include a link to a fact sheet entitled "Five FAQs About Spaying or Neutering Stray and Feral Cats" -  There is also a fact sheet about early spay neuter called "Early Age Spay/Neuter Before Adoption" -

            Date Accessed:  2004

The Alliance for Contraception in Dogs and Cats.



            Abstract:  A collaborative effort to develop and test non-surgical techniques for contraception in dogs and cats. There is a link to the Proceedings from the First International Symposium on Nonsurgical Methods for Pet Population Control in 2002 as well as information about upcoming conferences.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Animal Population Control: Introduction and Index.  Colorado State University.



            Abstract:  A list of articles published by Colorado State University in a Hypertext for Biomedical Sciences called Pathophysiology of the Reproductive System.  Topics include the surgical sterilization of dogs and cats, early sterilization, the effects of gonadectomy on health, behavior and performance of pets, and contraceptives for dogs and cats.

            Date Accessed:  2004

AVMA Animal Welfare Position Statements on Companion Animals.



            Abstract:  The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) official position statements on issues such as dog and cat population control, early-age spay/neuter, and feral cat populations.

            Date Accessed:  2004

AZA Felid Taxon Advisory Group (TAG)



            Abstract:  American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) Information about felid contraception can be found under the section for Husbandry Related Information.

            Date Accessed:  2004


AZA Wildlife Contraception Center (WCC)



            Abstract:  The American Zoo and Aquarium Association’s WCC is based at the Saint Louis Zoo. The WCC provides information about contraceptive methods to the zoo and aquarium communities.

            Date Accessed:  2004


Canine Orchidectomy (Neuter).  Animal Hospital of Rowlett.



            Abstract:  A photographic demonstration of the canine orchidectomy procedure.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Canine Ovariohysterectomy (Spay).  Animal Hospital of Rowlett.



            Abstract:  An photographic demonstration of the canine spay.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Canine Spay.  Long Beach Animal Hospital.



            Abstract:  Includes a description and photos of the ovariohysterectomy (spay) of a dog. The page also discusses reasons why spays are performed.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Early Age Spay-Neuter: A Tool Against Unnecessary Euthanasia.  Canadian Federation of Humane Societies.



            Abstract:  A fact sheet published by the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies. The document discusses female spay and male castration and outlines some of the controversies surrounding early spay/neuter programs (neutering between eight and 16 weeks of age).

            Date Accessed:  2004

Early Spay-Neuter: An Overview.  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Veterinary Medicine.



            Abstract:  An online article written by T. Fuess for the Spring 1998 Illinois Veterinary Bulletin about early-age spaying and neutering.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Early Spay-Neuter in the Cat.  The Winn Feline Foundation.



            Abstract:  A summary about early spay-neuter, including information on a project funded by the Winn Feline Foundation that looks at the developmental and behavioral effects of prepubertal gonadectomy.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Early Spay/Neuter in the Cat.  Bytown Cat Hospital.



            Abstract:  Written by Susan Little, DVM. Contains information about prepubertal gonadectomy in cats, including guidelines, references, and photos.

            Date Accessed:  2004

FDA Approves Neutersol for Male Puppies.  Humane Society of the United States.



            Abstract:  An article about neutersol, a nonsurgical alternative to neutering.  Neutersol is a zinc and l-arginine-based compound that causes shrinking of the testicles and prostate.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Immunocontraception in Mammals.  USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center.



            Abstract:  A publication about research being conducted on immunocontraceptive methods in white-tailed deer.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Immunocontraception.  Humane Society of the United States.



            Abstract:  Informative articles by the HSUS about immunocontraceptive methods of fertity control in companion animals and wildlife.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Immunocontraception as a tool for controlling reproduction in coyotes.  Texas Natural Resource Server.



            Abstract:  An online article written by L.A. Miller of the USDA, National Wildlife Research Center.  ncludes references.

            Date Accessed:  2004

National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy.



            Abstract:  "The National Council consists of humane organizations, breeder groups, and veterinary associations brought together to work on mutual goals regarding the pet animal surplus. The Council has conducted studies regarding animal entry and exit numbers from shelters nationally and the characteristics of animals and humans involved in relinquishment of animals to shelters. A national household survey served as a control group for the relinquishment study to help indicate which characteristics of animals and humans were really significant risk factors for failed human/animal relationships. These studies have resulted in publications in peer-reviewed journals. The significance of these publications is their effect of legitimizing the field of pet population research, and therefore encouraging other scientists to address this issue in their work."

            Date Accessed:  2004

Neuter/Spay Assistance and Information - Oregon, Washington, Nationwide.  End Homeless Animals - Oregon.



            Abstract:   Oregon's first statewide spay/neuter referral resource - helping animals, the public, and animal groups since 2001. Provides information about state by state programs and includes a page on early spay-neuter.

            Date Accessed:  2005

Neuter and Spay: It's the Humane Way.  Cat Fancier's Association, Inc.



            Abstract:  A list of questions and answers about the spay and neuter procedures for cats.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Neutering Male Dogs.  Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors.



            Abstract:  This is an article written by David Appleby for the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors, a UK-based network of experienced behavior counselors who, on referral from a veterinary surgeon, are able to offer the time and expertise necessary to treat pets with behavior problems.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Operation CatNip.



            Abstract:  The official web site for Operation CatNip, "a non-profit organization dedicated to humanely reducing the stray and feral cat population through a no-cost Trap-Neuter-Return program."

            Date Accessed:  2004

The Pet Health Library: Canine Neuter FAQ.



            Abstract:  A list of questions and answers by Wendy Brooks, DVM about neutering the male dog.

            Date Accessed:  2004

The Pet Health Library: Canine Spay FAQ.



            Abstract:  A list of questions and answers about the canine spay procedure written by Wendy Brooks, DVM.

            Date Accessed:  2004

The Pet Health Library: Feline Spay FAQ.



            Abstract:  An article written by Wendy Brooks, DVM answering various questions about spaying cats.

            Date Accessed:  2004

The Pet Health Library: Neutering the Male Cat.



            Abstract:  A fact sheet written by Wendy Brooks, DVM about the neutering procedure in male cats. Also includes a discussion of early neutering.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Spay and Neuter Information Page.  The Dog Hause.



            Abstract:  Provides links to articles about spaying and neutering companion animals.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Spay/USA.  The Pet Savers Foundation.



            Abstract:  A program to provide a nationwide network and referral service for affordable spay/neuter services.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Spaying and Neutering.  Pet



            Abstract:  This web site is Dr. Foster and Smith's source for expert pet information . "Know the benefits and risks of spaying and neutering cats and kittens including when the surgery can be performed. Pet overpopulation is on the rise so find out more to help you prevent this problem in your community."

            Date Accessed:  2004

Southern Regional Spay/Neuter Leadership Conference.



            Abstract:   The focus of this year's conference is on fostering collaborative efforts to research and develop effective statewide sterilization programs for the humane control of numbers of dogs and cats.

            Date Accessed:  2005

The Surgery Suite.  Mar Vista Animal Medical Center.



            Abstract:  There are 4 links in the surgery suite section that address spaying and neutering your pet. The sections are 1) Canine Neuter; 2) Neutering the Male Cat; 3) The Canine Spay; and 4) The Feline Spay. Each section contains basic information about the procedure and the associated benefits.

            Date Accessed:  2004

The Surgery Suite.  Mar Vista Animal Medical Center.



            Abstract:  There are 4 links in the surgery suite section that address spaying and neutering your pet. The sections are 1) Canine Neuter; 2) Neutering the Male Cat; 3) The Canine Spay; and 4) The Feline Spay. Each section contains basic information about the procedure and the associated benefits.

            Date Accessed:  2004

US Worldwide Low Cost or Free Spay / Neuter Resources FAQ.  The Feline Rescue Network.



            Abstract:  A list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about spaying and neutering as well as a link to a searchable database for locating free or low-cost spay/neuter clinics worldwide.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Welcome to the Surgery Room.  The The Internet Animal Hospital.



            Abstract:  Contains information about various veterinary surgeries, including spaying or neutering cats and dogs. The surgery sections include descriptions of the procedures as well as pictures. There are links to information sheets about the cost of spay/neuter and pyometra.

            Date Accessed:  2004

Why You Should Spay or Neuter Your Pet.  Humane Society of the United States.



            Abstract:  Information about spaying and neutering companion animals from the Humane Society of the United States. Includes links to other articles about pet population control produced by the HSUS.

            Date Accessed:  2004


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