



The Animals Are Crying. (1973).  Learning Corporation of America: New York, NY. [16 mm] 28 min.

            NAL Call Number:  Motion Picture No. 170

            Abstract:  Through a visit to an animal shelter and discussions with shelter personnel, a young family becomes aware of dog and cat overpopulation and the urgent need for animal birth control.          

            Descriptors:  pets, dogs, cats, animal shelter, spaying,  population control

Canine Castration (Orchidectomy). Instructional Media Center, Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI. [VHS, Beta, U-Matic] 14:50 min.

            Abstract:  Routine open and close castration is described in the dog.  Techniques for surgical excision of the canine testicle are described and thoughts on current techniques as related to postoperative complications are also discussed.          

            Descriptors:  surgical methods of castration, dogs, complications

Cat Care: A Video Guide to Successful Cat Care. (1985). United Media Productions: New York, NY. [1/2" VHS] 43 min.

            NAL Call Number:  Videocassette No. 908

            Abstract:  This is one of a series of tapes on animals by Dr. Michael Fox.  In this tape he shares the secrets to adopting, owning, and caring for your cat. Tips are given on eliminating fleas, vaccinations, illness, spaying/neutering, behavior, and massaging your cat. Proper care and understanding of your cat are addressed.         

            Descriptors:  cats, cat care, veterinary care, spaying, neutering

Feline Perineal Urethrostomy, Including Castration.  School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis: Davis, CA. [VHS] 23 min.

            Abstract:  After a brief demonstration of castration techniques, the surgery is achieved by a single mid-line incision ending just below the anal ring. The dissection of the urethra and the creation of the stoma are detailed. Post-operative care and possible complications are indicated.  Catalogue number 3281-2.           

            Descriptors:  surgery, cat, feline, urethrostomy, gonadectomy

Killing the Crisis, Not the Animals. (1991). Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights and the International Society for Animal Rights: Vacaville, CA. [VHS]

            NAL Call Number:  Videocassette No. 1450

            Abstract:  Speakers discuss various aspects of animal welfare such as animal sterilization, animal overpopulation, and ways to combat cruelty to animals. There are 8 videocassettes in the set.     

            Descriptors:  conference on animal welfare, animal cruelty, pet overpopulation

Animal Rescue League of Martin County. Early Spay/Neuter. (1994). Animal Rescue League of Martin County: Stuart, FL. [VHS] 11 min.

            NAL Call Number:  Videocassette No. 2092

            Abstract:  Discusses the Animal Rescue League of Martin County's early spay/neuter program. Two surgical procedures, ovarian hysterectomy and castration, are demonstrated on dogs.      

            Descriptors:  dogs, animal welfare, gonadectomy, sterilization, surgical procedures, spaying, animal rescue society

Boothe, H.W. and C.H. Tangner. Canine Castration. (1986). Texas A&M University, Media Resources: College Station, TX. [videotape] 11 min 20 sec.

            Abstract:  Demonstrates closed castration and open castration. Catalog number VT-376.        

            Descriptors:  castration, surgery, dog, veterinary medical school

Gregory, C. Castration of the Cat. (1996). Office of Academic Programs, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis: Davis, CA. [VHS] 10 min.

            Abstract:  This video demonstrates surgical techniques during castration of a cat. Catalog number 9864-4.      

            Descriptors:  cat, castration, surgery, techniques.

Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: American Humane Education Society. Early age neutering of puppies and kittens. (1995). MSPCA:AHES: Boston, MA. [VHS format] 30 min.

            NAL Call Number:  Videocassette No. 2381

            Abstract:  Shows safe and efficient methods of spaying and neutering puppies and kittens.   

            Descriptors:  spaying, castration, kittens, puppies, surgical procedure

Merkley, D.F. Feline Ovariohysterectomy - Soft Tissue Surgical Techniques Series. (1982). Iowa State University, Biomedical Communications: Ames, IA. [VHS] 22 min 01 sec.

            Abstract:  A technique for removal of the ovaries and uterus in the cat is demonstrated. Proper incision, ovarian pedicle mobilization and ligation are emphasized. Anatomical differences between the dog and cat are mentioned. Proper abdominal wall closure and its complications are stressed.  Item number VH-0284.

            Descriptors:  spay, surgery, cats, veterinary medical school

Redhead, B. and Universities Federation for Animal Welfare. The Control of Feral Cat Colonies. (1985).  The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare: Potters Bar, Herts, England. [1/2" VHS] 13 min.

            NAL Call Number:  Videocassette No. 1372

            Abstract:  Describes effective and humane methods to control feral cats as developed by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare at the request of the Cat Action Trust. The method is based on trapping, neutering, marking by ear-tipping and returning the cats to supervised sites where their long term care can be assured.      

            Descriptors:  feral cats, control, humane methods

Smeak, D. and J. Fingeroth. Ovariohysterectomy and Cystotomy.  (1986).  Ohio State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Division of Educational Resources: Columbus, OH. [videotape] 24 min.

            Abstract:  Demonstrates the proper surgical technique for ovariohysterectomy and cystotomy.           

            Descriptors:  cystotomy, spay, surgery, veterinary medical school


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