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Jerry T. Verkler
Chief of Staff for the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee

The Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee had jurisdiction over all legislation dealing with public lands and territories, national parks and battlefields, forest reserves, irrigation and reclamation, water supply and mineral resources. Increasingly, the committee also handled environmental and energy issues. Jerry Verkler joined the committee's staff in 1961, under the chairmanship of Clinton P. Anderson and became staff director under Henry M. Jackson. Verkler particularly played a leading role in passage of the Wilderness Act of 1964, which created the National Wilderness System, and the act establishing the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Table of Contents:
1) Coming to the Senate
2) Scoop Jackson and the Interior Committee
3) Environment and Energy
Photo of Jerry T. Verkler
Citation: Scholarly citation: "Jerry Verkler, Staff Director of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, 1963-1974," Oral History Interviews, Senate Historical Office, Washington, D.C.
Deed of Gift: I, Jerry T. Verkler, do hereby give to the Senate Historical Office the tape recordings and transcripts of my interviews on January 30-February 3, 1992. I authorize the Senate Historical Office to use the tapes and transcripts in such a manner as may best serve the educational and historical objectives of their oral history program. I also approve the deposit of the transcripts at the Library of Congress, National Archives, Senate Library, and any other institution which the Senate Historical Office may deem appropriate. In making this gift, I voluntarily convey ownership of the tapes and transcripts to the public domain. Jerry T. Verkler July 14, 1992 Accepted on behalf of the Senate Historical Office by: Richard A. Baker July 14, 1992

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