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@jenxer - I'll bet there are a ton of folks who make this kind of stuff - @AbbyNormal is just a cooler person than most of them ;)
just found out that 2 friends have wives/gf's that make custom baby apparel: &
I'm absolutely loving this crowdsourced video on 2009 predictions: - thanks @ceonyc
When is Amazon's Frustration Free packaging going to happen? It took me 20 minutes and two paper cuts to open a Barbie for my daughter
Why don't diapers come with a built-in individually wrapped handi-wipe on the front? It can't be that difficult people
you'd think that they were giving away crack in the food here at Chick-fil-a by the looks of the drive through line wrapped around the place
As you can imagine, the very popular 'firetruck' park in West University is packed with kids
Starting the year off right by taking my little ones to Buffalo Grilled for their world-famous pancakes
just wrote a lengthy response to short email to the effect of "2009 will be Houston's year for Web Startups". I'll work hard to make it true
RT @TheBloggess Highlight of my New Years Eve: Ate some pudding. Also, ruined my reputation:
@bhem New Year's article about 3 of my favorite Houston Technology Startups:
Not one person asked me how I'm doing at our dinner party tonight since everyone knows what I'm up to by the minute via Facebook & Twitter
Made Quick stop off @CoffeeGroundz to caffinate for tonight, and lo and behold there's a mini-Tweetup afoot
I'm finally leaving the office - 2008 has ended with a whimper not a bang, and I fully expect the Houston Tech Community to crush it in 2009
watching @Pistachio's excellent keynote on using Twitter for Business:
@joshtabin sent me this SlideShare Presentation : START Fund Jan 2009
RT @eschipul Personally, I think the world would be a better place with more breasts and less violence.
speaking to a guy who is interviewing to work for an incubator in another state - l'm trying to give him a clear picture of the 'industry'
Congrats on the makeover! - RT @Fayza Best New Year's Eve present? The new @Schipul website is up!
the best part of being the last person in the office is that the NSFW tag is nullified


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dunstan Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Noah Chris Sacca danah boyd heif Mary Hodder Rod Begbie sean bonner wil wheaton Xeni Jardin Jay Goldman Wayne Sutton Ross Mojo Denbow om tedr Frank Harris Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas
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