Hearing Schedule and Statements - 2002
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All hearings in SD-608 unless stated otherwise. Click on witness to view testimony.

March 20 and 21 at 10:00 AM: Mark-Up of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2003
  • Budget Resolution Markup - Day 1
  • Budget Resolution Markup - Day 2: Morning
  • Budget Resolution Markup - Day 2: Afternoon

    March 6 at 10:00 AM: CBO's Analysis of the President's Proposals for Fiscal Year 2003
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Dan Crippen -- Director, Congressional Budget Office
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 28 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Defense Request: Winning the War, Transformation, and Reform Issues
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Josh S. Weston -- Co-Chair, "Tail to Tooth" Commission, Bus. Exec. for Natl. Security
  • Michael O'Hanlon -- Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
  • Loren Thompson -- Chief Operating Officer, Lexington Institute
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 27 at 10:00 AM: The Long Term Budgetary Outlook
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • David Walker -- Comptroller General, General Accounting Office
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 26 at 10:00 AM: The Effect of the President's FY 2003 Budget Proposal on the Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Department of Education
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Michael Parker -- Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
  • Mary Peters -- Administrator, Federal Highway Administration
  • Bob Chase -- President, National Education Association
  • Larry King -- Sec./Treasurer to Board of Directors, Amer. Assoc. of State Highway & Trans Officials
  • Lt. Gen. Robert Flowers -- Chief of Engineers, Army Corps
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 22 at 10:30 AM: Impact of President's FY 2003 Budget Request on the Dept. of Education
    LOCATION: Grand Forks Education Center, Conference Room #1
    2400 47th Avenue South, Grand Forks, North Dakota

    February 20 at 10:00 AM: Impact of President's 2003 Budget Request on Water & Highway Infrastructure Needs
    LOCATION: Student Union, Prairie Room -- Bismarck State College
    1425 Schafer Street, Bismarck, North Dakota
  • Mark Johnson -- Executive Director, North Dakota Association of Counties
  • Paul Diedrich -- President, Industrial Builders Inc.
  • Warren L.Jamison -- Manager, Garrison Diversion Conservacy District

    February 14 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Budget Proposal
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Tommy G. Thompson -- Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 13 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Budget Proposal
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Paul Wolfowitz -- Deputy Secretary of Defense
  • Dov Zakheim -- Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller)
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 12 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Budget Proposal
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Colin L. Powell -- Secretary, Department of State
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 7 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Budget and Revenue Proposals
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Paul O'Neill -- Secretary, Department of the Treasury
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 6 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Budget Proposals
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Jacob Lew -- Exec. Vice President for Operations, Designate, New York University
  • Robert Bixby -- Executive Director, The Concord Coalition
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    February 5 at 10:00 AM: The President's FY 2003 Budget Proposals
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. -- Director, Office of Management and Budget
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    January 29 at 10:00 AM: The Budget and the Economy
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Robert Reischauer -- President, The Urban Institute
  • Peter R. Orszag -- Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
  • Brian Wesbury -- Chief Economist, Griffin, Kubik, Stephens & Thompson, Inc.
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    January 24, at 10:00 AM: The State of the Economy
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video
  • Alan Greenspan -- Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement

    January 23 at 10:00 AM: Budget and Economic Outlook
    Watch this hearing online in streaming video

  • Dr. Dan Crippen -- Director, Congressional Budget Office
  • Chairman Kent Conrad - Opening Statement