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Jeff Sessions - United States Senator - ALABAMA Jeff Sessions

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Photo Album

Trip to Iraq , Afghanistan , Pakistan, March 2006

Sen. Sessions addressing the troops at Camp Eggars in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Sen. Sessions addressing the troops at Camp Eggars in Kabul , Afghanistan
View of downtown Kabul, Afghanistan
View of downtown Kabul, Afghanistan
Sen. Sessions with Sens. Bingaman, Levin, Warner, Thomas and Salazar and troppos from the 1st Calvary Division in Islamabad, Pakistan
Sen. Sessions with Sens. Bingaman, Levin, Warner, Thomas and Salazar and troops from the 1st Calvary Division in Islamabad, Pakistan

Sen. Sessions and MG Feakley, Commander 10th Mountain Division, Bagram Air Base, Afgainistan
Sen. Sessions and MG Ben Freakley, Commander 10th Mountain Division, Bagram Air Base , Afghanistan

Dinner in Kabul, Afghanistan with Alabaians
Dinner in Kabul , Afghanistan with Alabamians

Sens. Warner, Levin, Salazar and Sessions with 10th Mountain Division, Bagram Air Base Afghanistan
Sens. Warner, Levin, Salazar and Sessions with 10th Mountain Division Commander MG Ben Freakley and LTG Karl Eikenberry, Commanding General, Combined Forces Command , Afghanistan

Sen. Sessions addressing the Iraqi press accompanied by Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jafari and Sens. Warner, Levin, Bingaman, Thomas and Salazar
Sen. Sessions addressing the Iraqi press accompanied by Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jafari and Sens. Warner, Levin, Bingaman, Thomas and Salazar

Sen. Sessions with Sens. Salzar, Thomas, Bingaman, Levin and Warner in London's Palace of Westminster, meeting with House Parliment Defense Committee members and chairman
Sen. Sessions with Sens. Salazar, Thomas, Bingaman, Levin and Warner in London 's Palace of Westminster , meeting with House Parliament Defence Committee members and chairman

LTG Eikenberry bids Sen. Sessions farewell at Kabul Military Air Base after a successful visit
LTG Karl Eikenberry bids Sen. Sessions farewell at Kabul Military Air Base after a successful visit







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