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Military Times: Senate votes to continue health care panel

May 4, 2008

By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday May 4, 2008 17:21:38 EDT

A joint committee responsible for improving the transition of combat-injured service members from active-duty to veterans' status would live on into the next administration under legislation approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee.

A provision of the committee's version of the 2009 defense authorization bill, sponsored by Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, extends for three years - until January 2012 - the duties of a joint Defense Department and Veterans Affairs Department senior oversight committee.

That panel is responsible for implementing recommendations for improving the military and veterans' medical care systems and to ease transition between the two systems for severely wounded service members.

The armed services committee passed the defense policy bill Wednesday by voice vote.

The senior oversight committee is made up of career federal employees who, unlike political appointees, are expected to remain on the job after a new president takes office.

At an April 23 Senate hearing, Todd Bowers of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America said the election may disrupt a process that is resulting in improvements.

"IAVA is concerned that the upcoming elections and the transition of top-level staff in the new administration will result in unnecessary delays," said Bowers, calling for a plan to ensure the senior oversight committee's work "is not hindered with changes in administration and leadership."

Akaka chairs the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee and also the Senate Armed Services readiness subcommittee, which put him in an oversight position over both health care systems.

In a statement, Akaka said he is worried that some of the 400 recommendations for improving treatment of combat-injured service members made by various commissions and by Congress could get lost if there is no succession plan for extending the commission into the next administration.

"Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan will outlast the current administration," Akaka said. "So too should the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments combine efforts to assist service members returning from war. I am committed to sustaining this effort as long as our troops are in combat."

Year: [2008] , 2007 , 2006

May 2008

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