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Federal Depository Library PURL Referrals: Statistical Information Request

GPO has developed statistical reports of PURL referrals to enable libraries to determine how often documents within the Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection are being accessed through library catalogs and Web pages. GPO asked depository librarians to register their domain names so the report could be as comprehensive as possible. Registering your domain names is completely voluntary, and the information will be used only for providing you with statistical information.

Please note that in most cases domain names are not library specific, but rather are shared by the institution at large. For this reason, referrals in the monthly report are listed by institution. Similarly, when a domain name is shared by a consortium, the referrals are attributed to the consortium, as it is impossible to tell which referrals came from individual members.

These reports are posted at on a monthly basis as soon as the data becomes available and can be processed. If you need assistance in determining what information to submit, contact Joe Paskoski at

Your Depository Library Number

Your Name

Your e-mail address

Library Name

Institution Name

Domain Names

Please list below all domain names from which your institution or consortium would like to count referrals to documents in the Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection, for example the domain names of your library Web page and online catalog. A domain name is the unique name of a computer on the internet that distinguishes it from the other systems on the network. For example, the URLs and share the same domain name