There are many colorful stories circulating about laws and actions by Congress. Here are some frequently asked questions and their well-researched answers. You may also wish to contact your Senator's office with other questions you may have.
Is it true that
Congress passed the "Sullivan Act" to prohibit family members from serving together on the same ship or in the same unit in the military?
Is it true that
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 will expire in 2007 and African Americans and other ethnic minorities will lose the right to vote?
Is it true that
The Senate passed a resolution on September 16, 1987 stating that the U.S. Constitution was explicitly modeled upon the Iroquois Constitution?
Is it true that
There is a bill in Congress to impose a 5-cent tax on e-mails?
Is it true that
Members of Congress do not pay into Social Security and when they retire they receive a pension equal to their congressional salary for the rest of their life?
Is it true that
Oliver North said during the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings that Osama bin Laden had threatened his life?
For information on the Senate, Congress, the legislative process and the federal government, the Virtual Reference Desk is a good place to begin.
Follow this guide on how to contact your Senators by phone, postal mail, or on the Web.
Historical information provided by the Senate Historical Office.
Compilations of Law links to the full text of several popular acts of law as they have been amended over the years.