Report#: SR/OIAF/98-02

the impacts of increased diesel penetration in the transportation sector.jpg (11037 bytes)

Executive Summary


Refinery Operations

Sulfur Specification Case

Appendix A: 
Petroleum Market Model Methodology

Appendix B:
Transportation Sector Model Technology

Appendix C: 
Request for Service Report

For Further Information


This study was requested by Thomas J. Gross, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Technologies, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) was requested to analyze the impacts on petroleum prices of increased demand for diesel fuel stemming from an increase in the penetration of diesel-fueled engines in the light-duty vehicle fleet. Three cases were requested, each of which was defined in terms of diesel technology increasing its penetration of new light duty vehicle LDV sales to 10, 20, and 30 percent, respectively, by the year 2010. By assumption, those sales reduced sales shares of new gasoline-powered vehicles, maintaining or increasing the sales of alternate fuel vehicles. In subsequent discussions with staff of the Office of Transportation Technologies (OTT), the analysis was extended to include the impacts on refinery profitability, and to add a case which showed the impacts of reducing the sulfur content of diesel fuel for LDVs.

This report presents the methodology and results of the analysis, based on the assumptions provided by OTT. The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS), EIA's mid-term energy forecasting model, was used for analysis of the cases. The version of NEMS developed for the Annual Energy Outlook 1998 (AEO98) was modified to incorporate the requested assumptions. The analysis in this report compares the case results for prices, demand, and profits to the reference case published in the AEO98.

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To Executive Summary

File last modified: February 2, 1999

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