Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

Speeches & Floor Statements


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Date Title
10/02/08  Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) on Financial Rescue Plan
09/24/08  Senator Conrad Raises Paygo Point of Order Against Extenders-AMT Amendment
09/24/08  Senator Conrad Offers Fully Paid For AMT Amendment
06/04/08  Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad on Senate Vote Giving Final Approval to FY 2009 Budget Conference Agreement
05/15/08  Senator Conrad's Floor Statement on the Farm Bill
03/15/08  Radio Address as Delivered by Senator Conrad
03/10/08  Opening Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad on FY 2009 Senate Budget Resolution
11/08/07  Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad on Farm Bill
11/05/07  Senator Conrad Opens Debate on the 2007 Farm Bill
10/24/07  Opening Statement of Senator Conrad at Mark Up of 2007 Farm Bill
09/04/07  Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) on Voting Against Confirmation of Congressman Jim Nussle as OMB Director
05/24/07  Senator Conrad's Speech in Favor of Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill
05/17/07  Opening Floor Statement by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) on FY 2008 Budget Conference Agreement
03/20/07  Chairman Kent Conrad's Opening Speech on the Senate Budget Resolution
03/14/07  Opening Statement by Chairman Kent Conrad at Budget Committee Markup of 2008 Budget Resolution
02/01/07  Transcript of Opening Remarks by Senator Kent Conrad at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Current Account Deficit and the U.S. Foreign Debt
01/31/07  Transcript of Remarks by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Exploring Solutions to Our Long-Term Fiscal Challenges
01/30/07  Transcript of Remarks by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Defining Our Long-Term Fiscal Challenges
01/25/07  Transcript of Remarks by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) at Senate Budget Committee Hearing
01/22/07  Floor Statement by Senator Kent Conrad on Line Item Rescission Authority Amendment
01/18/07  Transcript of Opening Remarks by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Long-Term Economic and Budget Challenges with Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
01/18/07  Conrad Statement on Appointment of Peter R. Orszag
01/11/07  Transcript of Opening Remarks by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Long-Term Budget Outlook with Government Accountability Office Comptroller General David Walker
01/04/07  Senator Conrad's Floor Statement on Restoring Fiscal Discipline
12/05/06  Floor Statement on Agriculture Disaster Assistance
09/21/06  Conrad Urges Senate to Immediately pass his Emergency Ag Disaster Bill
09/07/06  Conrad: "Bring bin Laden to Justice"
06/27/06  Senator Conrad's Floor Statement on Flag Protection Amendment
05/25/06  Senator Conrad on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act
04/06/06  Senator Conrad's Floor Speech on his BOLD Energy Act
03/16/06  Senator Conrad's Floor Speech on Avian Flu