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Full Committee Hearing - Senator Frist’s Report on Africa on October 30, 2003

Photo 1
Sen. Frist Testifying

Photo 1
Sen. Frist and Coleman

Photo 1
Sen. Warner, Frist,
Coleman, Enzi, Alexander
Photo 1
Sen. Warner and Enzi
Photo 1
Sen. Enzi, Alexander, DeWine
Photo 1
Sen. Warner
Photo 1
Sen. DeWine
Photo 1
Sen. Alexander


Full Committee Hearing - Is Intellectual Diversity an Endangered Species on America’s College Campuses on October 29, 2003

Photo 1
Sen. Gregg (Chairman)

Photo 1
Sen Gregg (Chairman)

Photo 1
Photo 1
Dr. Johnson
Photo 1
Mr. Dick
Photo 1
Mr. Lukianoff
Photo 1
Ms. Neal and Dr. Johnson


Promoting Access to Postsecondary Education: Issues for the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act on October 16, 2003

Photo 1
Dr. Waldner and Mr. Merisotis

Photo 1
Sen. Alexander

Photo 1
Mr. Hollett and Mr. Lambert
Photo 1
Sen. Gregg (Chairman)


Executive Session - Workforce Investment Act Bills on October 2, 2003

Photo 1
Senators Murray, Kennedy
(Ranking Member) and Warner

Photo 1
Senators Enzi, Alexander, Graham,
Gregg (Chairman), Clinton, Reed

Photo 1
Senators Clinton, Dodd,
Reed and Kennedy
Photo 1
Sen. Murray



Full Committee hearing on Intellectual Diversity on September, 24, 2003

Photo 1
Sen. Alexander presiding

Photo 1
Dr. Ravitch, Mr. Sewall,
Dr. Stotsky, Mr. Hagopian

Photo 1
Sen. Alexander
Photo 1
Sen. Alexander, Dr. Ravitch, Dr. Stotsky



Executive Session on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2003 on July, 23, 2003

Photo 1
Sen. Enzi, Frist, Gregg and Kennedy (Ranking Member)

Photo 1
Sen. Frist and Gregg (Chairman)

Photo 1
Sen. Frist (Majority Leader)
Photo 1
Sen. Roberts
Photo 1
Sen. Clinton
Photo 1
Sen. Roberts and Bond
Photo 1
Sen. Ensign
Photo 1
Sen. Jeffords, Murray and Reed



Chairman's substitute as passed out of Committee on June, 25, 2003 by a vote of 21-0

Photo 1
Senators Reed, Clinton, Ensign,
Gregg, Harkin, Alexander

Photo 2
Sen. Gregg (Chairman)
and Sen. Alexander

Photo 3
Sen. Sessions and Sen. Bond
Photo 4
Senators Enzi, Kennedy (Ranking Member), Jeffords, DeWine
Photo 5
Senator Reed
Photo 6
Senator Kennedy (Ranking Member)
Photo 7
Sen. Harkin and Sen. Alexander
Photo 8
Sen. Jeffords and Sen. Clinton
Photo 9
Senators Gregg, Clinton,
Ensign and Harkin
Photo 10
Senators Mikulski, Enzi and Kennedy


Full Committee Hearing Notice - “Teachers Union Scandals: Closing the Gaps in Union Member Protections”, June 19, 2003

Photo 1
Sen. Gregg, Chairman

Photo 5
Sen. Kennedy, Ranking Member

Photo 3
Ms. Daugherty
Photo 4
Ms. Feldman & Mr. Donahue
Photo 5
Senator Alexander
Photo 5
Senator Bond
Photo 2
Mr. Yud
Photo 5
Senator Clinton
Photo 5
Senator Reed

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