Blogs - Blogs
  • Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism, Commitment to Independent and Verifiable Science, Global Warming, Lieberman-Warner Opposition Resource Center; Impacts of Costly Climate Bill Exposed, Commitment to Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Mr. President, I thank the managers of the bill and the chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee for the debate that has gone on. The chairman was opining a few moments ago that the debate today had been focused on gas and high gas prices and that somehow her bill was going to push gas prices even higher. That may happen. I don't know that. What I do know today is that the American consumer is fed up with $4 gas, and anything we do that would even risk pushing gas prices higher ought to make the American consumer mighty unhappy.

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  • Wednesday, March 5, 2008

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism, Global Warming, Lieberman-Warner Opposition Resource Center; Impacts of Costly Climate Bill Exposed

    Last night Senator Inhofe discussed global warming alarmism and eco-terrorism with Michael Savage. Miss the interview? No problem, click on the link abote to listen now.

    After you have listen to the interview, take a look below and read more about the severe economic impact the Lieberman-Warner bill will have on American families if Democrats have their way. Check out the US Senate Minority report featuring well over 400 scientists disputing man-made global warming claims. And check out the section below on Senator Inhofe’s work combating eco-terrorism. We have included several links below as well as a few YouTube clips of Senator Inhofe speeches on global warming and TV interviews [ Click Here for Sen Inhofe's YouTube Channel ]. We think you will enjoy them.

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  • Monday, March 3, 2008

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism

    Last night Senator Inhofe was a guest on the Michael Reagan show and discussed eco-terrorism in light of the recent news out of Washington State.

    Through his position on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Senator Inhofe conducted hearings on eco-terrorism and crafted bi-partisan legislation to provide law enforcement the tools they need to adequately combat such radical extremists’ dangerous tactics. The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act was drafted with technical assistance from counter-terror experts at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    On November 27, 2006, President Bush signed into law Senator Inhofe’s legislation, S. 3880, which expands criminal prohibitions against the use of force, violence, and threats involving animal enterprises and increases penalties for violations of these crimes.

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  • Tuesday, May 29, 2007

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism

    Lawyers for the people who pled guilty and are now being sentenced for a crime spree that included the 1998 Vail Mountain arson naturally argue that their clients are not terrorists, no indeed.

    "KEVIN TUBBS IS NOT A TERRORIST," Tubbs' lawyer wrote in melodramatic fashion in a court brief (the capital letters were his). The given reason: Tubbs' violence was motivated by a love for animals and an "overwhelming feeling of despair."

    Tubbs, a supporter of the Earth Liberation Front, was sentenced Thursday in federal court in Eugene, Ore., to more than 12 years in prison.
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  • Friday, May 25, 2007

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism

    Eco-terrorism is in the news again this week, providing an opportunity to highlight the new federal law written and shepherded through the Senate by Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) to combat such acts of violence.

    A May 25, 2007 Rocky Mountain News reported on animal rights extremists: "They wanted to save the forests, to protect animals such as the lynx, to send a message to governments and corporations that putting profits before the good of the planet would not be tolerated. Instead, the environmental radicals who unleashed arson and other destruction during a five-year span starting in the mid-1990s - including the 1998 fires on Vail Mountain - have found themselves in a federal courthouse here this week, branded as ‘terrorists.'"

    In addition, a federal judge ruled this week that radical environmentalists were guilty of using "elements of terrorism" for torching SUVs in Oregon. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken told the convicted arsonist: "It was your intent to scare and frighten other people through a very dangerous and psychological act – arson." Judge Aiken added, "Your actions included elements of terrorism to achieve your goal."

    These types of eco-terror acts are the reason Senator Inhofe authored the "Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act," which was signed into law by President Bush in November 27, 2006.
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  • Wednesday, May 2, 2007

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism

    As reported in the Western Mail, UK law enforcement authorities arrested 30 people after raids were conducted across Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands to apprehend members of an international criminal animal rights terrorist organization called Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty (SHAC). As Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Senator James M. Inhofe held hearings on SHAC and their dangerous tactics in the United States and passed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in the 109th Congress. (For more, visit Senator Inhofe’s EPW Committee website page on Eco-Terrorism )

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  • Thursday, February 8, 2007

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism

    A second letter bomb injured two men Tuesday following a letter bomb Monday that injured one person in the UK. British police suspect animal rights extremists of these bombings due to evidence found at the scenes. In 2006, Senator James Inhofe introduced and passed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act which address animal rights extremists’ criminal behavior in the United States.
    Click Here for the story.
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  • Wednesday, January 24, 2007

    Associated issues: Eco-Terrorism, National Security and Energy Independence

    Check out Brit Hume's Political Grapevine video clip of the PETA trial which began Monday. PETA has been criticized by Senator Inhofe for funding radical extremist groups like the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. As in the current trial, PETA has paid for the defense of ALF members after burning down university laboratories.

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