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Sen. Hutchison Presses VA on Quality of Care for Mental Health Patients at North Texas VA Medical Center
Will Visit Dallas VA Hospital May 24, Receive Briefing on Psychiatric Operations

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today announced she will visit the North Texas Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Dallas on May 24 to be briefed on the quality of mental health care available to North Texas veterans.

“Our veterans sacrifice so much in service to our nation,” said Sen. Hutchison. “We must honor that service by providing for their needs, including access to the highest level of health care.”

In April, Sen. Hutchison sent a letter to VA Secretary James Peake, expressing her extreme concern that four veterans under the care of the North Texas VA Medical Center in Dallas have recently committed suicide. Sen. Hutchison requested the details of the VA Medical Inspector’s study on the review of conditions in the Medical Center’s psychiatric unit, and asked to be briefed on the VA Director of Psychotherapy’s assessment of the current program and any recommended changes.

"I am committed to making sure that veterans in Texas and across our nation receive the best psychiatric care this nation can provide,” Sen. Hutchison wrote in her letter. “I would like to know what the plan entails and if I can be helpful in any way.”

In a response, Secretary Peake reported on the progress of the review and pledged that a formal report with findings and recommendations would be forthcoming. Secretary Peake emphasized the VA’s goal is to improve psychiatric services for reducing suicide risk, particularly for inpatient mental health units.

Sen. Hutchison is the Ranking Member on the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee.


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