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Vitter Introduces Specific Hurricane Katrina
Introduces Two Bills, Outlines Two Other Areas of Focus
October 6, 2005 - 

(Washington, D.C.)U.S. Sen. David Vitter introduced two specific Hurricane Katrina recovery bills today and outlined two other areas of focus. One of the bills would create a Louisiana Katrina Recovery Administrator to oversee all federal efforts, and the other would severely restrict the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in handing out the huge no-bid contracts that agency seems wedded to.

            Vitter’s first bill would create a Louisiana Katrina Recovery Administrator, who would be focused exclusively on the efficient and effective use of federal resources for rebuilding Southeast Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina. This leader would possess the authority to streamline the federal bureaucracy and cut through red tape, provide the needed leadership to establish a vision and a long-term plan for rebuilding and ensure full transparency and accountability in spending taxpayer dollars.

            “As we move forward in the rebuilding process, we need a business leader with strong managerial experience to direct and coordinate the federal recovery efforts, cut through red tape and ensure that all federal funds are used wisely and not wasted so that we have something lasting to show for this effort,” said Vitter.

            The second bill Vitter introduced would severely restrict FEMA in handing out the huge no-bid contracts that agency seems wedded to. Because of these huge no-bid contracts, money is being wasted, and, in addition, very few Louisiana workers and businesses are involved in the rebuilding effort when this involvement is so essential to real economic recovery. According to a recent article in the Washington Post, “Companies outside the three states most affected by Hurricane Katrina have received more than 90 percent of the money from prime federal contracts for recovery and reconstruction of the Gulf Coast.” 

            Vitter also called for a full hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about the dramatic lack of local participation in FEMA contracts. (See attached.)

            “As we struggle to get our infrastructure rebuilt and to jump start our economies, we are running into a major obstacle–our people are not getting a fair shake when it comes to obtaining contracts. Huge contracts are being awarded by FEMA, many of them without the benefit of any competition, to companies outside of the Gulf Coast region. My legislation will greatly curtail this unproductive practice,” said Vitter.

            In addition, Vitter previewed his next two Katrina-related legislative priorities.

            Vitter said he is focused on ensuring that the private sector truly helps lead the rebuilding effort in southeast Louisiana. Businesses need innovative tax and depreciation incentives, liberty bonding capacity and other measures to make sure that jobs return, including immediate short-term measures to help small businesses survive.

            Vitter outlined his ongoing work on ensuring that Louisiana has adequate hurricane and flood protection, which must include effective action against coastal erosion. Vitter also formally requested today a full Senate Committee inquiry into whether the present New Orleans area levee system failed, and if so, why. (See attached.)

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