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U.S. Sen. Vitter Applauds Signing of Energy Bill
U.S. Sen. Vitter Applauds Signing of Energy Bill
August 8, 2005 - 

(Washington, D.C.)U.S. Senator David Vitter today thanked the president for signing into law the final conference report to the Energy Bill, which included a historic breakthrough in funding for restoring Louisiana’s coast.

            “In signing the energy bill into law today, President Bush is providing the State of Louisiana with $540 million for coastal restoration, which marks the first time the federal government has committed hundreds of millions of dollars to Louisiana’s coastal erosion problem. This money won’t be used for studies and research, this is ‘shovels in the ground money’ for a host of projects to help restore our eroding coastline,” said Vitter.

            The measure provides $1 billion over four years to six coastal energy-producing states: Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Alaska and California. Each state would be allocated a fair share based on the oil and gas production off its coast, with Louisiana receiving about $540 million for coastal restoration efforts over four years beginning in 2007.

            “After many years, we were finally able to pass a common sense, broad-based, aggressive energy bill through the Senate. This bill encourages domestic production of oil and gas, restores our energy independence and promotes the use of energy-efficient technology and practices all while helping our economy and increasing good jobs in Louisiana.

            “I’m also very pleased that a modified version of my alternative energy enhancement act was passed to encourage alternative energy production in our federal offshore waters and to set up a royalty-sharing mechanism by which Louisiana would receive a new source of revenue associated with offshore alternative energy production,” said Vitter.

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