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Vitter Bill Would Improve FEMA Temporary Housing
May 9, 2006 -  Untitled Document

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter introduced new legislation today that would allow residents displaced by hurricanes and other natural disasters to receive manufactured modular housing instead of Federal Emergency Management Agency travel trailers.

            “More than 100,000 people in Louisiana are living in 37,000 FEMA travel trailers that cost $70,000 each, and these travel trailers do not provide the most basic protection from high winds or severe thunderstorms, much less tornadoes or hurricanes,” said Vitter. “Instead, FEMA could be using manufactured modular housing, which is much sturdier and a less expensive option for our taxpayers.”

            Vitter’s bill, the FEMA Housing Assistance Act, would amend the Stafford Act to give the president the authority to use other cost-effective housing options that are less expensive than the FEMA travel trailers. For example, some Katrina cottages could cost as little as $35,000, or half the cost of the travel trailers that FEMA currently uses.

            In addition, the bill allows temporary housing to be located in flood plains if the location is consistent with local zoning ordinances and requires FEMA, state and local governments to agree on mass evacuation plans for those living in temporary housing.

            “This bill brings some common sense into the government’s approach to help with future housing needs. Spending $70,000 on temporary housing is wasteful when there are cheaper and better alternatives,” Vitter said.

            The bill will be referred to the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

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