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Vitter Urges LRA to Consider Health Care Reform
June 5, 2006 - 

(Washington, D.C.)U.S. Sen. David Vitter recently sent a letter to Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and the Louisiana Recovery Authority regarding the need for health care reform in the state of Louisiana.


            The text of the letter follows:


Dear Gov. Blanco, Secretary Cerise, Chairman Francis, and Chairwoman Sanders:


            I write to express my very strong concern that the Louisiana Recovery Authority (the “LRA”) is backing away from a historic opportunity to fundamentally reform Louisiana’s health care delivery system so that it better serves all citizens, particularly our most vulnerable.


            On May 17, 2006, the Times-Picayune reported that key members of the Administration and the LRA were backing away from the health care recommendations of the recently released PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Report (article attached). This report was specifically commissioned by the LRA and was performed by a group of objective, unbiased, nonpolitical experts.


The PwC report urged Louisiana to reduce the role of the state-run Charity Hospital system in providing health care services to the uninsured and recommended a larger role for private and community hospitals, as is the case in all states. Among the most alarming findings in the report is something that many have known for quite some time: “This two-system model appears to be detrimental to the health of all Louisianans and is likely an important reason for the lower system quality, both in the public and private sector.” 


            One excuse for not dealing with this sort of fundamental reform that has been offered is that it is beyond the scope of the LRA’s mandate. Mary Ella Sanders is quoted in the attached article as saying: “I’m honestly not sure the LRA is the place for health reform.”


            But this ignores the central reality that, after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, major parts of our health care infrastructure must be rebuilt, so decisions about what overall model to use cannot be avoided. The question is what model will be used, not whether a decision will be made.


            I’m concerned that what is really happening is the triumph of entrenched special interests who benefit from the status quo over the interests of average citizens, who the system is supposed to serve. We must not let this happen. We must take advantage of this historic opportunity to reform and improve our health care delivery system.


            I strongly urge the LRA to reconsider reform-minded proposals such as those put forth in the PwC study. 


Besides being the right thing to do, this is necessary in order to maintain strong support here in Washington. As you are aware, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt recently pledged the full resources of his office to assist Louisiana with its health care recovery and rebuilding if it involves this necessary reform.  Secretary Leavitt’s discretion in granting federal waivers to Louisiana has played, and will continue to play, an extremely crucial role in our recovery efforts. I strongly urge Louisiana to not back away from pursuing systemic reforms that will show our state’s commitment to trustworthy stewardship of federal dollars. 


            I commend those LRA board members who have accepted the responsibility to reform and improve the system. And I would encourage all LRA members and leaders in state government to embrace reforms put forth in the PwC study.



                                                            David Vitter

                                                            United States Senator


Cc: Secretary Michael Leavitt


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