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U.S. Senator David Vitter Scores Major Victory for Drug Reimportation
Vitter’s Language Included in Homeland Security Legislation
|Audio Clip: Senator Vitter Scores Major Victory for Drug Reimportation| Senator Vitter Scores Major Victory for Drug Reimportation
September 27, 2006 - 

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Sen. David Vitter announced that the House-Senate Department of Homeland Security appropriations conference report includes Vitter’s provision that allows U.S. citizens to import prescription drugs from Canada.  Vitter attached a similar amendment to the Senate version of the DHS appropriations legislation.

          “This is a great step forward and the first hurdle toward opening the free market to cheaper and more available prescription drugs,” said Vitter.  “Now it is only a matter of time before we pass a comprehensive drug reimportation bill.”

          The language agreed upon in the final homeland security legislation would allow U.S. citizens to import FDA approved drugs from Canada as long as the drugs are carried on the person and the supply is for a maximum of 90 days. 

          “This is a major victory in our fight to bring lower prescription drugs to all Americans. Our seniors are paying too much for their prescription drugs and are turning toward Canada, simply because it’s cheaper,” added Vitter.  “I will continue to fight until Americans are allowed full access – including through the mail and internet – to these cheaper, quality prescription drugs.”

          Vitter will continue to push for a more comprehensive prescription drug measure including mail order and internet availability that assists states like Louisiana that are not near the Canadian border.  These initiatives would significantly assist in curbing the rising costs of prescription drugs for Americans.

          The final Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill is scheduled to pass the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate this week.

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