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U.S. Senate Approves Vitter’s Legislation on Protecting the 2nd Amendment
|Video Clip: Senator Vitter Speaks in Support of Gun Rights Amendment| Senator Vitter Speaks in Support of Gun Rights Amendment
|Video Clip: Vitter Introduces Amendment to Protect Gun Ownership Rights| Vitter Introduces Amendment to Protect Gun Ownership Rights
July 13, 2006 - 

(Washington, D.C.)U.S. Sen. David Vitter secured a major victory today on the U.S. Senate floor for Second Amendment rights with adoption of his amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. Vitter’s amendment passed 84 to 16.


            “In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the city of New Orleans confiscated more than 1,000 firearms from private citizens. With local law enforcement overwhelmed and stretched thin from this unprecedented disaster, many of these firearms were confiscated from law-abiding citizens attempting to protect themselves and their property,” Vitter said. “This legislation will help ensure that their Second Amendment rights won’t be trampled again.”


            Vitter’s amendment would prohibit the use of any funds appropriated under the Homeland Security appropriations bill from being used for the seizure of firearms based purely on the declaration of a major disaster or emergency. This would still permit seizures normally allowed under preexisting federal or state law.


            “Second Amendment rights should not be the subject to the whims of government officials,” Vitter said. “Today’s vote sends a strong message that in the event of another disaster like Katrina, law abiding Americans will be able to protect themselves without fear of government intruding upon their Second Amendment rights.”


            The U.S. Senate is expected to pass the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill in the near future, and then the legislation will then move to a House-Senate Conference.



Press Releases 
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July 2006 Press Releases All  
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13th - U.S. Senate Approves Vitter’s Legislation on Protecting the 2nd Amendment (Currently Viewing) |Video Clip: Senator Vitter Speaks in Support of Gun Rights Amendment| |Video Clip: Vitter Introduces Amendment to Protect Gun Ownership Rights|
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12th - Majority Leader, Gulf Coast States Announce Offshore Royalty Sharing |Audio Clip: Senator Vitter Comments on Oil Royalty Sharing Proposal|
11th - U.S. Senate Approves Vitter’s Amendment on Drug Reimportation
10th - Senator Vitter Comments on Corps Report
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