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Vitter Announces $2.5 Million for Coastal Restoration Program
July 13, 2006 - 

(Washington, D.C.)U.S. Sen. David Vitter announces that the Senate Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill, which passed out of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee today, includes $2.5 million for the Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology program.


“The CREST program brings together 11 universities to work on the crucial issue of coastal restoration,” said Vitter. “This $2.5 million will offer additional support for information sharing of coastal habitat restoration efforts.”


Ten of the 11 universities involved in the CREST program are based in Louisiana. Advances in science and technology must be integrated directly into coastal restoration programs to ensure that coastal habitat restoration is cost-effectively implemented and successfully sustains coastal resources. This $2.5 million in federal funding will be used by university partners working closely with federal and state agencies to develop and share information on coastal habitat restoration efforts.


Louisiana experiences one of the highest rates of coastal erosion in the world, and developing a system for utilizing native vegetation to protect and restore eroding wetlands can be a big help in addressing the coast erosion problem.


“While committee passage is only the first step in the legislative process, it is an important one for securing funding for this project,” Vitter said. “I will continue to work with my colleagues to help keep this federal funding in the final bill.”


The Senate Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill is expected to move to the U.S. Senate floor for a vote later this year.



Press Releases 
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July 2006 Press Releases All  
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12th - Majority Leader, Gulf Coast States Announce Offshore Royalty Sharing |Audio Clip: Senator Vitter Comments on Oil Royalty Sharing Proposal|
11th - U.S. Senate Approves Vitter’s Amendment on Drug Reimportation
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