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Senate Approves Vitter’s Global Fund Transparency Amendment
July 16, 2008 -  Untitled Document

(Washington, D.C.) – The U.S. Senate today approved U.S Sen. David Vitter’s amendment to the Global AIDS bill that withholds 20 percent of funding to the Global Fund until it sets up a procedure to allow the current inspectors general to have greater access to the documents and information they need.  Currently, the fund withholds information from the IG investigations.

         “Since 10 billion of our taxpayer dollars will be going to the International Global Fund over the next five years, I believe the American people deserve to know what that money is being used for and whether it is being used effectively,” said Vitter.  “The Global Fund has a long record of waste and corruption and a short one for accountability.  We need much greater oversight, and my amendment will help provide that.”

         Vitter’s amendment empowers current State Department and Department of Health and Human Services inspectors general with jurisdiction over the Global Fund with the authority they need to have their document and information requests complied by Global Fund staff.  If procedures are not formally put in place to allow the IGs to expeditiously gain the information they request, the United States will continue withholding 20 percent of the $10 billion dedicated to the fund over next five years. 

        “Much like the United Nations, the International Global Fund has already been reported to have a high record of waste and fraud,” added Vitter.  “My amendment requires greater transparency to ensure that our money is accounted for and being spent wisely.  Americans are incredibly generous, but our hard-earned tax dollars should not be used to enrich corrupt foreign officials or for human rights policies we abhor.”

        In 2007, the Boston Globe reported of corruption surfacing throughout the Global Fund staff, which included allegations that a former executive director spent funds on limousines and other lavish expenses.

        Vitter is a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and is ranking member of the Subcommittee on International Operations and Organizations, Democracy and Human Rights.

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