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U.S. Senator David Vitter’s Port Security Amendment Creates Grant Opportunity for Port Fourchon
September 15, 2006 - 

(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Senator David Vitter today applauded the passage of the Security and Accountability for Every (SAFE) Port Act.  Vitter amended the legislation to allow the Department of Homeland Security to offer port security grants to ports critical to national energy security, such as Port Fourchon.

            “Port Fourchon services 75 percent of the energy produced in the Gulf of Mexico.  We could not fill the void that would be created if this port or the supertanker facilities nearby were compromised,” said Vitter.  “The past two rounds of DHS grants have neglected Port Fourchon, and I believe this amendment creates a grant opportunity for critical ports, like Fourchon, which are vital to our national energy security.”

           Port Fourchon and the associated Louisiana Offshore Oil Port represent the only facilities capable of offloading oil supertankers in the United States and are responsible for up to 30 percent of the nation’s consumed energy.  Vitter’s amendment adds a category for energy to the list of requirements that the secretary of DHS should consider a priority when awarding port security grants.

           “The Gulf of Mexico is the largest source of energy in our country, and that oil and gas is often packaged and shipped through Louisiana’s ports,” added Vitter.  “We needed to create a system that offers ports like these the security funding necessary to protect the residents near the ports and the vital energy the ports produce.”

           The SAFE Ports Act now goes to a House-Senate conference committee.

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