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Hawaii Dems oppose Bush's Iraq plan

By Associated Press

January 11, 2007
HONOLULU (AP) _ Hawaii's all-Democratic congressional delegation spoke out unanimously last night against President Bush's decision to add more U-S troop in Iraq.

Senator Daniel Akaka said the U-S should never have gotten into the war in the first place, and he opposes putting more American lives in jeopardy.

Senator Daniel Inouye says a troop build-up -- quote -- ``would only exacerbate a bad situation, and could signal the possible permanency of this conflict.''

Congressman Neil Abercrombie said the president's nationally televised speech made him ``profoundly sad.'' Abercrombie said he was disappointed by what he called Bush's ``complete incapacity for recognizing what he has done.''

Congresswoman Mazie Hirono also opposed the troop build-up. She called it an escalation of the war.

Year: 2008 , [2007] , 2006

January 2007

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