April 25, 2007

Senator Clinton Calls for Strong Rural Development in Next Farm Bill

Clinton Commended as Leader on Rural Development

Click here to listen to Senator Clinton's comments.

Washington, DC - At a press conference today on Capitol Hill, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton joined with fellow members of Congress and leading rural organizations to call for strong rural development provisions in the next farm bill. Senator Clinton was among a bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives commended for leadership in rural economic development.

"I have listened to the thoughts and concerns of our farmers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs and their needs must be met to ensure that rural areas are thriving and prosperous once again. By investing in biofuels, agriculture, broadband expansion, health care and education, we will create jobs and economic opportunities for the regions that need this help the most. This must be a major priority for our country," Senator Clinton emphasized.

Senator Clinton has been a tireless advocate of restoring the promise of rural and small town America. She has worked to expand access to broadband and spur innovative strategies for rural economic development. Senator Clinton was honored today in particular for introducing the Rural Investments to Strengthen our Economy Act (RISE Act), which will help spur rural economic development by expanding access to capital, training and strategic advice for rural entrepreneurs and small businesses. The legislation, which Senator Clinton introduced in March, will help create a more efficient grant process for small businesses and provide small business tax credits to increase wages and raise low job growth rates by creating a special classification of employer tax credit for small businesses located in rural counties.

"The RISE Act will increase jobs, wages and other financial incentives allowing individuals to decide where they live by their desire, not by limited opportunities," said Senator Clinton.

Senator Clinton today also highlighted legislation she has introduced this Congress building on her work to expand access to broadband in rural communities. The Rural Broadband Initiatives Act will extend and improve access to broadband services in small towns across America. It creates a policy and action framework to ensure that the federal government employs an effective and comprehensive strategy to deploy broadband service and access in the rural areas of the United States. The bill will also establish a Rural Broadband Innovation fund to explore and develop cutting edge broadband delivery technologies to reach underserved rural areas. The Rural Broadband Initiatives Act has been endorsed by the Communications Workers of America.

Organizations that joined today to commend Congressional leaders in rural development included the Council of State Governments, National Association of Counties, National Association of Development Organizations, National Conference of State Legislatures, National Rural Health Association, National League of Cities, Corporation for Enterprise Development, National Catholic Rural Life Conference, American Planning Association, League of Rural Voters, Main Street Project, Center for Rural Affairs, American Association of Community Colleges, Rural Community College Alliance, National Association of Federally Impacted Schools, Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, Rural Community Assistance Partnership, Inc., Council of State Community Development Agencies, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Housing Assistance Council, Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education, National Business Incubator Association, Bread for the World and American Enterprise Opportunity.

Read more about Senator Clinton's legislative initiatives to restore the promise of rural and small town America.


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