Joe Biden, U.S. Senator for Delaware

BIDEN’s Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery Act Becomes Law

Badge Honors Exceptional Acts of Bravery in the Line of Duty

August 7, 2008

Washington, DCU.S. Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s (D-DE) Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery Act (S.2565) has been signed into law. This bipartisan legislation establishes for the first time two awards: one to honor federal law enforcement officers and a second to honor state and local law enforcement officers who perform exceptional acts of bravery in the line of duty.

“These courageous officers put on their uniforms and literally put themselves in harm’s way every day,” said Sen. Biden. “Our federal, state and local law enforcement officers are hometown heroes who protect and serve our nation, and we should be recognizing those who go above and beyond to keep our communities safe.”

The Badge of Bravery Act honors both federal law enforcement and state and local law enforcement officers who have performed an exceptional act of bravery while in the line of duty and are injured or risked serious physical injury or death as a result. Officers will be nominated each year by their law enforcement agency, and the bill establishes one federal and one state board of review to process nominations and select the final award recipients. Each honoree will receive a badge presented to them by the Attorney General or the member of Congress for the honoree’s congressional district.

“I know I speak on behalf of the entire Delaware Law Enforcement Community when I extend my sincere thanks to Senator Biden and the entire Senate for stepping to the plate for law enforcement officers in this great nation,” said New Castle City Chief Kevin McDerby. “The Badge of Bravery will be worn by the heroes on the home front who have gone beyond their normal call to duty in protecting our ‘unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’”

“This award is one important way to recognize and honor those who serve and protect our communities everyday,” added Sen. Biden. “It is equally important, however, to honor and support law enforcement by giving them the resources they need to hire, train and equip officers. When we underfund police agencies, we put police officers and the communities they serve at risk. I call on my colleagues in Congress and the President to honor officers not just by awarding them a medal, but by giving them the tools and resources they need to fight crime.”

Senators Arlen Specter (R-PA) and John Sununu (R-NH) are original co-sponsors of this bi-partisan bill. U.S. Representative Brad Ellsworth (D-IN) shepherded the legislation in the House of Representatives. The Badge of Bravery Act is also supported by the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association and the Fraternal Order of Police.


The Bush Administration began cutting funds for state and local law enforcement and crime prevention and drug treatment programs in 2001. Since that time, federal funding for state and local law enforcement has been slashed from $2.1 billion to $404 million – a cut of 81 percent. With a growing population to protect, state and local police agencies now receive less federal funding than they have in any year since 1989. As federal spending has dwindled, crime rates have once again begun to rise. Since 2004, violent crime is up 2.8 percent, murders are up 2.5 percent and robbery is up 9.9 percent. Many large cities – Boston, Cincinnati, Houston, Oklahoma and Pittsburgh, just to name a few – have seen double digit growth in their murder rates.

In 2007, Sen. Biden introduced the COPS Improvement Act, which would restore $1.15 billion per year in essential federal funding for state and local law enforcement. He has also led the fight in Congress to restore the federal funding provided under the Byrne/Justice Assistance Grant program. The President has eliminated both programs.

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