Statement of Senator Dodd on Nomination of Bolton
October 9, 2006

“The people of our nation sent a very strong message on election day. They want a new tone and direction in Washington. They also want a new policy on Iraq and a fresh start that can help bring this war to a successful conclusion. Sadly, Mr. Bolton doesn’t represent change but a failed status quo. The fact that Mr. Bolton tried to fire intelligence officers for disagreeing with him and has been disdainful of using diplomacy to forge important alliances in the war on terror are evidence of that.  Not surprisingly, there continues to be bipartisan opposition to his nomination.   

“The President has indicated that he understands the significance of Tuesday’s election and the need to work in a bipartisan fashion to move our nation forward. But trying to jam this nomination through during a lame duck session may indicate that the President didn’t fully hear the voice of the American public – and that is troubling. Our nation needs someone who can represent change at the United Nations, who understands the importance of a strong and muscular diplomacy, and who can garner United States allies in the war on terror. To that end, the President should immediately rethink this nomination. But if he doesn’t, I intend to make every effort to ensure that this nomination doesn’t get approved.”


( published in: Media Center | Statements | United Nations )