United States Senate
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United States Senate
Virtual Reference Desk
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Senate Organization
Constitution of the United States

Senate Organization Chart for the 110th Congress
The Virtual Reference Desk provides resources about Senate leadership, committees, and officers.
Constitutionally Mandated Officers
Vice President - Richard B. Chaney President Pro Tempore - Robert C. Byrd
Political Party Leaders
Majority Leader - Harry Reid Majority Whip - Dick Durbin Democratic Conference Chair - Harry Reid Democratic Conference Chair - Patty Murray Democratic Policy Committee Chair - Byron Dorgan

Minority Leader - Mitch McConnell Minority Whip - Jon Kyl Republican Conference Chair - Lamar Alexander Republican Conference Chair - John Cornyn Republican Policy Committee Chair - Kay Bailey Hutchison
Committee Chairman and Ranking Members
    Standing Committees
Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee - Tom Harkin, Chairman Appropriations Committee - Robert C. Byrd, Chairman Armed Services Committee - Carl Levin, Chairman Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee - Christopher J. Dodd, Chairman
Budget Committee - Kent Conrad, Chairman Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee - Daniel K. Inouye, Chairman Energy and Natural Resources Committee - Jeff Bingaman, Chairman Environment and Public Works Committee - Barbara Boxer, Chairwoman
Finance Committee - Max Baucus, Chairman Foreign Relations Committee - Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Chairman Help, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee - Edward M. Kennedy, Chairman Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee - Joseph I. Lieberman, Chairman
Judiciary Committee - Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman Rules and Administration Committee - Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman Small Business Committee - John F. Kerry, Chairman Veterans' Affairs Committee - Daniel K. Akaka, Chairman
    Special, Select, and Other Committees
Select Committee on Ethics - Tim Johnson, Chairman Select Committee on Intelligence - John D. Rockefeller, IV, Chairman Committee on Indian Affairs - Byron L. Dorgan, Chairman Special Committee on Aging - Herb Kohl, Chairman
    Joint Committees
Joint Economic Committee - Charles E. Schumer, Vice Chairman Joint Committee on Printing - Dianne Feinstein, Vice-Chairwoman Joint Committee on Taxation - Max Baucus, Chairman Joint Committee on the Library - Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman
Senate Elected Officers and Officials
Secretary - Nancy Erickson Sergeant at Arms - Terrance Gainer Parliamentarian - Alan Frumin

Majority Secretary - Martin Paone Minority Secretary - Dave Schiappa Chaplain - Barry Black