Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
Thank you for visiting my Senate Web site. One of the most important parts of my job as Senator is to help provide services and information to my constituents in North Dakota.

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Kent Conrad

Press Room

Agriculture 2008 Press Releases

01/03/08 Senator Prepares for Final Round in Farm Bill Battle
01/04/08 Conrad: Energy Bill a Big Boost for ND Economy
01/15/08 Marketplace Explores Emerging Opportunities from Energy and Agriculture
01/16/08 Marketplace Offers Something for Everyone
01/24/08 Delegation Calls for Schafer's Quick Confirmation
01/28/08 Senate Approves Schafer as New Ag Secretary
02/05/08 Conrad Questions White House on Cuts to USDA Lab
02/05/08 Conrad to Help Negotiate Farm Bill's Final Details
02/06/08 Statement from Senator Kent Conrad
02/06/08 Senators Give President's Budget a Failing Grade
03/03/08 Conrad and Dorgan: Decision to Allow Argentine Cattle Not in the Best Interest of ND Ranchers
03/12/08 Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on the Extension of the Farm Bill
03/25/08 Conrad: Farm Bill in Final Stretch
03/27/08 Conrad Rallies Support for Disaster Aid Program
04/18/08 Conrad Encouraged by Korea's Decision to Lift US Beef Ban
04/25/08 Conrad Helps Broker Final Deal on New Farm Bill
05/08/08 What the Farm Bill Means to Every American
05/08/08 Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on House-Senate Conference Agreement on Farm Bill
05/14/08 Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on Passage of the Farm Bill in the House of Representatives
05/15/08 Farm Bill Means Real Reform
05/15/08 Senator Conrad's Floor Statement on the Farm Bill
05/15/08 Conrad Applauds Passage of New Farm Bill
05/16/08 Lawmakers Rally Support for 'Best Farm Bill Ever for ND'
05/19/08 Conrad Briefs Devils Lake Leaders on Farm Bill
05/21/08 Conrad Calls Administration Tone Deaf to the Needs of Rural America After Farm Bill Veto
05/23/08 Farm Bill Clears Final Hurdle
05/23/08 FARM BILL: The Right Bill for North Dakota
05/27/08 Conrad, Pomeroy: Farm Bill 'A Big Victory' for ND
06/05/08 Statement from Senator Kent Conrad on Approval of New Farm Bill
06/10/08 Delegation Calls for Investigation into Run Up in Fertilizer Prices
06/18/08 UPDATE: Congress Again Overturns President's Veto
06/26/08 Delegation Applauds Action to Aid Drought-Stricken Ranchers
06/30/08 Sugar Growers, Workers Join Conrad to Laud Farm Bill
07/02/08 Energy Options Focus of Conrad Field Hearing
07/16/08 Conrad Calls on USDA to Give Ranchers a Fair Deal
07/17/08 Protect U.S. Beef From Imported Foot & Mouth, Conrad says
07/22/08 Conrad Blasts U.S. Trade Negotiators
08/04/08 USDA OKs Conrad Request to Aid Ranchers
08/08/08 Conrad Applauds Plan toAccelerate Development of Cellulosic Ethanol
09/09/08 Conrad Recognized for Farm Bill Leadership
09/30/08 Congress Approves Conrad Ag Disaster Fix
10/21/08 Conrad Honored for Support of Hunting & Fishing
11/11/08 Farm Group Honors Conrad as National Ag Leader
11/11/08 Conrad Promotes Stewardship of ND's Rich Farmland
12/02/08 Conrad Rebuts Canadian COOL Claim
12/03/08 Delegation Urges Disaster Declaration for North Dakota Counties
12/08/08 Senators Urge Fair Trade for Nation's Farmers

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