Charts - Tax Policy
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Charts from 2006

The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut Education Funding Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to charge Some Veterans $250 Annual Enrollment Fee and Increase Drug Co-Payments Saves Little Compared to Cost fo tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut 78% in COPS Program Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


Wrong Priorities
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut Firefighter Grants by 55% Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut 83% in Rural Health Programs Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2005

Tax Cuts Explode as Trust Fund Cash Surplus Become Deficits FY 2006-2025
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Bush tax Cuts Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Dividends/Capital Gains Cut Provides Millionaires a $35,000 Tax Break
SBC - Democratic Staff


Top 20 Percent of taxpayers Get More Than Two-Thirds of Bush Tax Cuts in 2006
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Bush Tax Cuts vs. Social Security Surplus (FY 2006-2015)
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut Agriculture Funding Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut LIHEAP Funding Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut Community Development Funding Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut Education Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut COPS Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Wrong Priorities: Bush Plan to Cut Veterans' Funding Saves Little Compared to Cost of Tax Cuts for Millionaires
SBC - Democratic Staff


Share of Benefits of Bush Tax Cuts for Top 1% Disproportionate to Their Share of Income
SBC - Democratic Staff


How the Tax Benefits Stack Up - Average Tax Cut in 2004
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of AMT Reform Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Bush Tax Cuts Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Tax Cuts Explode as Trust Fund Cash Surpluses Become Deficits FY 2006-2025
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of AMT Reform Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Extending Tax Cuts Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Bush Tax Cuts and Social Security: Present Value of Costs Over the Next 75 Years
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2004

Cost of AMT Reform Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Extending Tax Cuts Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Bush Tax Cuts vs. Social Security Surplus
SBC - Democratic Staff


Tax Cuts Explode as Trust Fund Cash Surpluses Become Deficits
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Hides the Full Story: Cost of Extending Tax Cuts Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Hides the Full Story: Cost of AMT Reform Explodes Outside Five-Year Budget Window
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2003

Only Three of Seven Long-Term CBO "Dynamic" Est. Show Smaller Deficits Than Under "Static" Scoring
SBC - Democratic Staff


Four of Seven Long-Term CBO "Dynamic" Est. of Bush Budget Show Larger Deficits Than Under "Static" Scoring
SBC - Democratic Staff


Tax Cuts Explode as Trust Fund Cash Surpluses Become Deficits FY 2003-2023
SBC - Democratic Staff


Democratic Plan Trumps Bush Plan in Both Short and Long Term
SBC - Democratic Staff

President Bush's Plan Doesn't Provide Real Stimulus
SBC - Democratic Staff


President's Plan Crowds Out Investment, Slows the Economy After 2004
SBC - Democratic Staff


Jobs Decline: 2.3 Million Jobs Lost Since January 2001
SBC - Democratic Staff


Only 2% of 23 Million Small Businesses Benefit from Top Rate Cut
SBC - Democratic Staff


Almost 80% of Small Businesses Get Less Than "Average" Tax Cut
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Tax Plan - Nearly 50% of Taxpayers Receive Less Than $100
SBC - Democratic Staff


NEW - Democratic Plan Trumps Bush Plan in Both Short and Long Term
SBC - Democratic Staff


Economic Growth Declines Under Bush Policies
SBC - Democratic Staff


NEW - President Bush's Plan Doesn't Provide Real Stimulus
SBC - Democratic Staff


President Bush's Dividend Tax Cut Benefits Rich
SBC - Democratic Staff


More Than Half the Value of Large Estates has Never Been Taxed
SBC - Democratic Staff


President Bush's "Growth" Plan: Every Penny Comes from Soc. Sec. Trust Fund
SBC - Democratic Staff


Baucus / Pelosi / Bush Stimulus Plans
SBC - Democratic Staff


Pres. Bush's Overall Tax Cuts Benefit Rich
SBC - Democratic Staff


Surpluses & Deficits without Soc. Security
SBC - Democratic Staff


Revised CBO "Estimated" Baseline
with Bush Policies
SBC - Democratic Staff


Debt Held by the Public in 2008
SBC - Democratic Staff


Benefits of Bush Proposal
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2002 and earlier

In 1999, Only 2% of Estates Subject to Tax
SBC - Democratic Staff


Estate Tax Repeal Raids Social Security Trust Funds
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Estate Tax Repeal Explodes in Next Decade
SBC - Democratic Staff


In 2009, Only 0.3% of Estates Subject to Tax
SBC - Democratic Staff


Conrad Alternative
SBC - Democratic Staff


Reform of Estate Tax Versus Repeal Dramatically Lowers 10-Year Cost
SBC - Democratic Staff


Twenty-year Cost of Bush Tax Proposals
SBC - Democratic Staff


Report Card on House Stimulus Package
SBC - Democratic Staff

House-passed Stimulus Bill
SBC - Democratic Staff

Possible Outlook for the Total Budget Surplus - FY 2002-11
SBC - Democratic Staff

Accelerating Individual Tax Rate Cuts - Who Benefits
SBC - Democratic Staff


Reduce 27% Rate to 25% in 2002
SBC - Democratic Staff

AMT Cuts Provide Little Stimulus
SBC - Democratic Staff

30% Bonus Depreciation Over Three Years
SBC - Democratic Staff

Costs of Accelerating the 28% Individual Income Tax Rate
SBC - Democratic Staff

Report Card on House Stimulus Package
SBC - Democratic Staff

Report Card on Grassley Plan
SBC - Democratic Staff

Repart Card on House Ways & Means Plan
SBC - Democratic Staff

Report Card on Baucus Plan
SBC - Democratic Staff

Bush Tax Cut Benefits Wealthy: Top 1% Gets Disproportionate Benefit - 2/23/01
SBC - Democratic Staff

The Bush Tax Cut
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Bush Tax Cut
(Tax Cut crowds out other priorities)
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Tax Cut Benefits Wealthy
Top 1% Gets Disproportionate Benefit
SBC - Democratic Staff

Where is the Stimulus in the
Senate Tax Bill?
SBC - Democratic Staff


Senate Tax Bill Unfair
SBC - Democratic Staff


Top 1% Get Twice As Much Benefit as the Bottom 60%
SBC - Democratic Staff


Marginal Rate Reduction in
Senate Tax Bill
SBC - Democratic Staff


Number of Taxpayers Affected by AMT Explodes Under Senate Tax Bill
SBC - Democratic Staff


Senate Tax Bill Massively Backloaded
SBC - Democratic Staff


Back Loaded Tax Cuts
SBC - Democratic Staff


Marriage Penalty Relief for Middle Income Taxpayers Delayed until 2006
SBC - Democratic Staff


Top Estate Tax Rate: 2001 Repeal Masks Massive Costs
SBC - Democratic Staff


Senate Reconciliation Bill Hides Backloading by Sunsetting AMT Relief
SBC - Democratic Staff

Senate Reconciliation Bill Doubles Number of Taxpayers Affected by AMT
SBC - Democratic Staff


Equally Unfair: Bush Proposal and Senate Finance Tax Bill
SBC - Democratic Staff