Charts - Social Security and Medicare
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Charts from 2006

Under Bush Policies, Every Penny of Social Security Surplus Spent
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2005

Medicare and Medicaid Spending as a Percent of GDP
SBC - Democratic Staff


Six Percent of Medicare Beneficiaries Account for Roughly 51 Percent of Program Costs
SBC - Democratic Staff


Social Security Surplus Under Bush Budget
SBC - Democratic Staff


Projected Future GDP Growth Much Slower Than in the Past
SBC - Democratic Staff


80% of Social Security's Shortfall Would be Eliminated if Economic Growth Continues at Historical Levels
SBC - Democratic Staff


Comparing Long-Term Costs of Medicare and Social Security: Present Value of Costs Over Next 75 Years
SBC - Democratic Staff


Tax Cuts Explode as Trust Fund Cash Surplus Become Deficits FY 2006-2025
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Provides No Funding for President's Social Security Plan
SBC - Democratic Staff


Number of Social Security Beneficiaries Explodes with Retirement of Baby Boom Generation
SBC - Democratic Staff


Under Bush Policies, Every Penny of Social Security Surplus Spent
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Spends Every Penny of $2.5 Trillion Social Security Surplus on Tax Cuts and Other Things FY 2006-2015
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Bush Tax Cuts vs. Social Security Surplus (FY 2006-2015)
SBC - Democratic Staff


Recent Productivity Growth Stronger Than SSA Projects For Next 75 Years
SBC - Democratic Staff


Under President's Plan, Workers earning 6.5% Investment Return Must Repay 85% of Account Value Through Additional Cuts in Guaranteed Benefits
SBC - Democratic Staff


Under President's Plan, Workers Earning 5.0% Investment Return Must Repay 120% of Account Value Through Additional Cuts in Guaranteed Benefits
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Spends Every Penny of $2.6 Trillion Social Security Surplus on Tax Cuts and Other Things FY 2006-2015
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Provides No Funding for President's Social Security Plan
SBC - Democratic Staff


Tax Cuts Explodes as Trust Fund Cash Surpluses Become Deficits FY 2006-2025
SBC - Democratic Staff


Five Steps to Lower Medicare Costs
SBC - Democratic Staff


Growing Price tag for Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Bush Tax Cuts & Social Security: Present Value of Costs Over Next 75 Years
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2004

Number of Social Security Beneficiaries Explodes with Retirement of Baby Boom Generation
12/2/2004 SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Provides No Funding for Social Security Reform Transition Costs
12/2/2004 SBC - Democratic Staff


Under Bush Budget, Every Penny of Social Security Surplus Spent
12/2/2004 SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Provides No Funding for Social Security Reform Transition Costs
11/17/2004 SBC - Democratic Staff


The Bush Tax Cuts and Social Security: Present Value of Costs Over the Next 75 Years
SBC - Democratic Staff


Nearly 50% of Beneficiaries Would be in Poverty Without Social Security
SBC - Democratic Staff


Two-Thirds of Retireees rely on Social Security for More than Half Their Income
SBC - Democratic Staff


Cost of Bush Tax Cuts vs. Social Security Surplus
SBC - Democratic Staff


Number of Social Security Beneficiaries Explodes with Retirement of baby Boom Generation
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Budget Hides the Full Story: Every Penny of Social Security Surplus Spent
SBC - Democratic Staff

Charts from 2003, 2002, and earlier

Raid on Social Security in the Chairman's Mark
SBC - Democratic Staff


Raid on Social Security in the Chairman's Mark
SBC - Democratic Staff


Tax Cuts Explode as Trust Fund
Cash Surpluses Decline
SBC - Democratic Staff


Bush Policies Raid Social Security Trust Funds
SBC - Democratic Staff


Soc. Sec. Trust Funds Face Deficits as Baby Boomers Retire
SBC - Democratic Staff


Soc. Sec. & Medicare Trust Funds Face Deficits as Baby Boomers Retire
SBC - Democratic Staff


Medicare Trust Funds Face Deficits as Baby Boomers Retire
SBC - Democratic Staff


Soc. Sec. & Medicare Trust Funds Face Deficits as Baby Boomers Retire
SBC - Democratic Staff


Medicare Part A
SBC - Democratic Staff


The Part A Trust Fund Surplus FY 2002-11
SBC - Democratic Staff


Medicare Part A: Income
SBC - Democratic Staff


Medicare Part B
SBC - Democratic Staff

The Part B Trust Fund Surplus FY 2002-11
SBC - Democratic Staff

Medicare PArt B: Income
SBC - Democratic Staff


Following Your Medicare Money
SBC - Democratic Staff


If Medicare is in "Deficit", How About...
SBC - Democratic Staff