Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
Thank you for visiting my Senate Web site. One of the most important parts of my job as Senator is to help provide services and information to my constituents in North Dakota.

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Kent Conrad


Senator Conrad's BOLD Energy Bill

Senator Conrad introduces his BOLD Energy Act in the United States Senate on April 6, 2006

Saying that we should look to the Midwest rather than the Middle East for our energy needs, Senator Kent Conrad introduced sweeping energy legislation designed to break our dependence on foreign sources of energy and bring relief to American consumers. Senator Conrad said that our addiction to foreign oil threatens our economy and national security, and called for major new investments in renewable fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel, fuel efficiency, coal-to-liquid projects, and other alternative fuel technologies.

Senator Conrad's bill is called the Breaking Our Long-term Dependence, or BOLD, Energy Act. Through a mix of tax credits, grants and new renewable fuel standards set by the legislation, Senator Conrad's bill would increase production of renewable energy and alternative fuels, reward conservation, fund research into new energy technology, and upgrade our nation's electricity grid.

Senator Conrad's Floor Statement on his BOLD Energy Bill

BOLD Fact Sheet

Conrad's BOLD Energy Act Discussed at Agriculture Hearing on Biofuels

Senator's Bill Aims to Break America's Dependence on Foreign Oil

Listen to Senator Conrad Introduce the BOLD Bill