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Intern Application Form

You can use this form to apply for an internship in either my DC office or one of my state offices, but only complete those sections required for the place you choose. 


Part 1. Personal Information (DC and NM internships)

Social Security Number
Address at school
School Phone
Address good until (date)
E-mail (one you check regularly)
Parents' or guardians' names
Parents' or guardians' address
Phone at this address
Alternative address for parents or guardians
Phone at this address


Part 2.  School Information (DC and NM internships)

College or University
Status next fall
GPA (or equivalent)
 out of 
If in high school, name of school and year (freshman, sophomore, etc.)


Part 3. Availability (DC internships for fall or spring only; NM internships year round)

Please indicate the days and times you are available. 
From (date) To (date)
Days of the week available
Office Preference


Part 4. Internship Preferences (DC internships only)

Session Preference
Assignment Preference
Areas of Interest
(Only complete if you selected ``Legislative Department" for Assignment Preference.)


Part 5. References (DC internships only)

Please ask three people to send us a letter of reference on your behalf. We will attach them to your application when we receive them. The letters should be sent to:

Intern Coordinator
Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

List the names and relations of these references in the space below.

Relation to you: (supervisor, professor, etc.)
Relation to you
Relation to you


Part 6. Resume Information (DC and NM internships)

The boxes in this section will scroll. Although you may not see all your information on the screen at one time, it will all appear on the form received in our office.
Please describe your last three work experiences. Include where you worked, what your duties were, and when you worked there.
Please describe any activities you have participated in in college, especially those in which you took a leadership role. Examples include Student Senate, a community service project, literary club, ROTC, choir, a sorority or fraternity, band, etc.
Please describe any awards you have received in college.
In the follow sections, select two items from your resume and explain them here in greater detail.  Select anything you are proud of.


Part 7.  Writing Sample (DC and NM internships)

The box in this section will scroll. Although you may not see all your information on the screen at one time, it will all appear on the form received in our office.
Pretend you are writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper describing your position on a current event in the news. Be sure to show your understanding of both sides of the debate and explain why you find one argument more persuasive than the other.


Part 8. Essay Questions

The box in this section will scroll. Although you may not see all your information on the screen at one time, it will all appear on the form received in our office.
Please write a short (fewer than 500 words) response to the following three questions.
How does this internship fit in with your long term goals? What do you hope to bring to and take from this position?
Describe an incident in which you were given a task and were successful in seeing it through. What obstacles did you have to overcome?
In your opinion, what was the most important event of the last two hundred years?  Your answer should be factual and creative.


(Once submitted, your application cannot be altered electronically.)

You will receive a letter or e-mail confirming receipt of your application when it arrives in my office.  If you don't hear from us within a week, please send a message to



CAUTION: Clicking on any of the links in this column will take you to another page, and you'll lose what you've entered into this form.

Download ApplicationGraphic of the cover of the intern application, a black and white file showing the Capitol building.

You can also download the intern application (PDF file), complete it on your computer, and submit it via postal mail.  [MORE]

Advice on Completing the Application Form

Your application makes the case for you as a potential intern in our office. [MORE]