News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Statement on Pentagon Tanker Announcement

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

“After going round after round on one of our military's most important and critically needed procurements, this draft RFP changes the rules of the game in overtime.

“While it will take time to analyze this document, there are several issues that already raise red flags.

“For example, the draft RFP and Pentagon officials have said that the Pentagon is going to give extra credit to fuel offload but has not specified how much. 

“They have also split the evaluation of full life cycle costs with the cost of the aircraft which is a disingenuous way of addressing a very serious GAO finding.

“I am also concerned that the timeline put on new submissions is simply unrealistic.

“We need to ensure that our men and women in uniform have the equipment that best suits the stated mission at the best price for the taxpayer.  I expect the Pentagon to explain in detail how it is correcting each of the GAO findings and how this draft RFP ensures a fair and transparent competition.”
